
My parents were very up front about being responsible with alcohol and the potential hazards of drinking too much. Also, for what it's worth, I was very much a "good kid." But I STILL made plenty of decisions I could look back on and shake my head over — got myself in situations where yeah, bad things could have

But they can't be rapists. Not while they're being lovable scamps with bright futures ahead of them. Weren't you paying attention to all the media coverage?

Well, we wouldn't want to Ruin Anybody's Lives, tm.

Yes, basically, we are. There is this huge, huge taboo against naming and criticizing men as a group. Even if you specify that you're linking them by behavior, it still raises peoples' hackles. And especially in rape cases, where a lot of people think the victim is the real bad guy.

I could have Googled for my own resources, but that would've meant trying on my own to sort out the difference between quality sources about feminism and disguised misogyny masquerading as "friendly advice".

Are you serious? You think publishing the names of racist homophobes that are so entitled they think they can make other people perform labor while they laugh at them is cruel? Really?

I hope to God somebody publishes names, so a bunch of rich white legacy shitheads can never again apply for a job without the prospective employer Googling their names and getting hits involving the phrase "faggot nigger."

I'm late on this, and also this is probably greyed out, but I had to mention bell hooks' book Feminism is for Everyone. Excellent place to start, and it's a slim volume to boot.

Feministing is a pretty cool blog that curates feminist thought across the internet. It's a good resource because it links to a variety of authors and external blogs which might be of interest to you.

Like retrogirl says, you're probably doing ok. If you want to step it up another notch, I've got a few suggestions from my own experience of trying to get educated about my privilege: 1) stop talking, start listening and 2) invest time, thought, and effort into educating yourself.

Fellow fellas:

I wonder why we aren't seeing this kind of outcry about Tumblrs/whatevers that shame poor people or overweight people (I'm thinking People of Walmart, the Fat People Tumblr, etc.). I totally agree that this kind of promotion of women as objects of violence, whether implied or direct, is NOT ok, but this whole culture

" you might plan to combine a professional life in city planning with your responsibilities to your husband and a possible future family..."

An elderly patient once bitterly told me the story of how she was accepted to medical school, but ultimately declined because the men in her family harangued her for "taking the spot away from a man." What shitty, shitty times.

I will never understand the mental process these people go through that makes them believe men can't be responsible for their actions and choices.

The guy from high school...first person I fell in love with.

Well I think you've done it! Yours are hands down, the worst on this list. Somebody please give this woman a prize! Or a good lay!

"Rude to servers"

Off-topic, but I really think we need some sort of TV show where jaded middle-schoolers dub translations of political double-speak. Just a thought.

Now THERE'S a question. I'd like to see that one posed to Myriad.