Its like this moron never considered a setup with in/output lag being the cause.
Its like this moron never considered a setup with in/output lag being the cause.
Since CNN said so. Its the highest kind of nonsense, the kind of thing that racist cunt clinton was vomiting on the campaign trail.
I’ve seen some out of touch autists who think they are experts on “memes” but reading this goes so far beyond is almost satire. Its like some 60 year old father trying to be cool for the kids.
So republicans are completely responsible for the shutdown, but yet these democrats had enough control and power to merit calling for violence against them?
No evidence, no crime.
It still amazes me how morons like this cant see how crying racsim all the time and their constant attacks on men and white people are a major cause of why hillary lost.
Its a sad day when we cant call shitholes by anything appropriate. I think some of these ignorant sjw biggots should check the stats for rape and murder, as well as bone up on the history of Haiti and its failures. Maybe then you can get the cum out of your eyes and see shit for shit.
Yea, letting some whore near anything valuable is always a bad idea. Never let them near something worth more than what they are worth or else you are just an idiot.
People wonder why the majority of the world thinks blacks just use racism and “the white man” to cover up their own failures, lazyness, and dishonesty. Then I see shit like this and just sigh.
Newsflash! Most of the world has better things to do than get outraged over some guy putting on makeup for a costume party. Its the vile racist blacks and sjws in the usa that are so overly sensitive they cant just grow up.
Its funny as shit to have someone who obviouisly never had to deal with all the bullshit a real tree brings telling us they are “better”. Yea, better to burn your home down with and make a huge mess.
Just because will smith’s autistic son shit somthing out, it dosent make it anime. Just because the guy is shit colored dosent make it a masterpeace for the same kind of shit colored idiots.
So I guess this is your response to those racist black shitstains who hunted down that retarded kid since you have no interest in talking about that.
Yup, help you kid to grow up to be some overly rapey weirdo that cant take no for an answer.
Or just handle this like a normal person and not buy apple garbage.
He is not only mentallly ill, he must be border line retarded too to think anyone gives a half warm fuck about what some cowardly loser thinks.
Nothing says welcoming more than seeing a community that is so not color blind they sort you by your skin color like fucking Nazis.
Well, this certainly is another nakedly racist act by blacks. Of course, like most racist nonsense, its an stupid move as well considering whoever made this app was too braindead to realize you could use it to boycott openly racist black businesses.
It did enough. Convinced myself and others to not buy it and support the racist nonsense they were preaching. Pirated it and didnt really find it worth keeping, although I did seed it to over 12,000 completions though just as fuck you to those faggots.
You dont need a photo ID to vote for the president of the USA, why should you need one for some shitty fighting game tournament?