
Of course it will be different, it will be mostly Japanese so way less thuggery and childish bullshit from the attendees.

Looks like someone was quick to forget all the shit that obama said about cops and the trayvon martin case.

I think the people misinterpreting it are those that think it applies only when you agree with whats being said. If people don’t think she should be fired they need to shut the fuck up about people expressing views and posting facts they disagree with and cry racism. Shes obviously bigoted towards whites, theres no

Its beyond me why blacks think acting like retarded children doesnt cheapen the struggle of their ancestors. I mean you are supposed to respect them, not just bring them up every time you need an excuse for failing.

I am sure whatever female gets in wont be because she has no penis. I am sure it will be because she is more qualified than the best player in the world. I mean it isnt like every situation like this leads to a token hire that does fuck all for the position.

If only you could give a shit about that poor retarded kid that was hunted and tortured by those black shitstains, but alas you are far too braindead and racist. That was an actual hate crime, what you are trying to do here is just make assholes look like racists.

Its the same site that told a father who begged to have pictures of his daughter being raped on a piss soaked floor to fuck off. They are subhuman garbage who in most cases are racist and sexist and this is their outlet.

So this is the breaking point? Not the many SJWs who called for the death of white people in their videos? Because someone said a bad word now the gloves are off. I know this certainly isnt because the company has released flop after flop and wants attention.

What a surprise! The first comment isnt someone wishing condolences for this death, but some idiot talking about trolling. You people make me sick, a kid is dead and apparently its okay because his father was on fox news.

They sure are getting desperate to shill their show aren’t they? Wonder what pulling a hillary clinton and alienating white people will do to them?

Tip maids? What kind of horseshit is that? I bet next you’ll go talking about how you tip when you pick up your food at a restaurant.

Ah, so you are saying the slave trade based on the prisoners of war that African savages have had for thousands of years before the white man visited Africa is worse than the couple hundred years before being freed by the white man? Alright, you have established you are a racist or an idiot, congrats. It took blacks

In a country so fucked up that you can buy a semiauto rifle with hunting as the excuse, what do you expect?

Yea the bail system obviously doesn’t work, its so unreasonable that someone who committed a crime would be expected to not commit more crimes when they have the privilege of not being locked up. I mean how could a black man ever be on equal footing with everyone else if they cant prey on others?

Yea, fuck anyone who owns a business, whatever the storm didn’t destroy is fair game for anyone to steal Fuck, if the business owner lives at the business and evacuated, loot his home too and make this disaster even worse for them.

No one cares, a black man beat a white man at something. Sure its just a farce, but blacks are way too bigoted right now to care about anything else.

h3h3 needs to get his head out of his ass and grow up.

They are already huge for alot of people with the fines and punishments for some people under obamacare.

I can understand why you didn’t do this for women, seeing how there isn’t even 100 albums made by women that are in any way relevant to people today.

Dont worry, the game is for normal people so autistic children like yourself arent meant to understand.