
I literally have not been privy to an Oscar season debate as rich as the one contained in this comment section since Dances with Wolves trumped Goodfellas for best picture in 1991 - except this year, I thought it was important to see the films being debated so heavily and didn't find either Selma or Sniper to be

Just had the thought that I'd hate to be this old guy's insurance agent. Oof.

A section full of Red Sox fans yelling "Ya fat fock!" at Bobby Jenks in my only outing to Fenway was literally the highlight of an extended business trip to Boston last year.

Using the same voice to make yourself sound mentally handicapped while wearing different costumes as a catapult to millionaire entertainer status is one thing, but somehow convincing Jacqueline Titone to marry you and toting her along to every event like it's no big deal is a truly Sandlerian feat.

Because fuck you that's why.

That whole wheat toast bit was a joke my Dad used to tell about an 0-3 on his ship when he was in the Navy in the early 1960s.

+1 above, Farenheit.

The judges actually disqualified the other teams because they didn't toe the line as individual teams at the awards presentation. That's typical Minnesota passive-aggressive behavior, all day.

This is why those if us In the reputation management consulting business always ask agents and team heads of player security to be sure their clients/players bring their fucking cell phones with them to the first meeting. Even the savviest young man is relatively forthcoming to a room full of suits and ties when it's

So I guess the 'D' in Kevin D. Hart really does stand for 'Darnell'.

Sweet mother of 80/20 chuck.

That's great, except at 42-9, the team is 16.5 games over .500 .

What you're NOT gonna want to do here, is google search for pictures of Rebecca Liddincoat's actual ass:


Every time we accepted a job offer, we were offered promises of stability and plenty of funding. We were told about the "project after this one," and no offer was given as temporary, or "for this project only." Instead of companies asking us if we'd stay for the long haul, we began asking them instead.

OF COURSE these cake-eating bucks haven't shed their antlers yet.

Wow. Back in the days when I watched the NBA, Mase, Ewing and Starksy were the Knicks, and the only thing I paid attention to in New York professional sports.

I don't believe everything I hear via radio news, but I'm pretty sure statistically, religious or philosophical exemptions account for 80% of the not vaccinated and/or not fully vaccinated.

Vaccines are tricky, though - I mean, as a person with religious faith, I've been on the receiving end of awkward discussions with parents of kids' friends ("Jake told me you said a blessing before you ate takeout pizza when he stayed over last week - is that true? Because, you know, we don't really do the God thing

Go, Dog, Go! is probably the greatest literary accomplishment in the history of humankind. That book singlehandedly taught three nephews, four nieces and two sons of mine this important lesson in life: