
Essential as I told you:

OK Snowflake.

Jalopnik has become a bunch of Millenial Snowflake crybabies.   Waaa Waaa, my Mom was mistreated at a dealership 20 years ago, so all dealerships are trash.   Dealership employees are Essential Workers risking their lives everyday through a pandemic.   It’s a fact, and you can’t edit this fact.

Great new writer you got there Jalopnik. I would call  him Trash, just as he has disparaged Car dealerships as trash. I would consider Dealership employees as essential workers. They have been at work everyday for the last year risking their lives so that people can purchase vehicles. Take it light Trashboy.

People are angry about meeting in the middle...

These cars were plentiful in the 80's and 90's.   Reminds me of my Chevy Spectrum.   They need to be protected for sure.

You lost me when you started insulting the salespeople.

Haters are always gonna hate...

$3500 for a last generation MOPAR Wagon gets a Crack Pipe Rating?!?!?!? Please cancel my subscription.

It’s a VW.  The check engine light was not on because it was burned out...

I always love how people try to justify why a Warranty is useless. Wealthy people are always over insured for a reason...

This is the best advice I can give on an extended warranty.   They are negotiable, just like the car.   It’s probably not worth it at $3000, but you can get the cost down to $900 if you tell the finance manager you are willing to pay $100 over true cost.    If they won’t play ball then pass.  

It’s called Market Socialism.

The price for Apple products is the same Everywhere. Call it whatever you want.

If you consider the Apple model a “free market”  then yes I agree with you.  I have no idea what the word means.

You sound like a Socialist.

You absolutely nailed it.   Try going to an Apple store and ask for a 20% discount.   Let me know how that works out for you.

If everyone paid MSRP there would be no need for the add ons.   You paid $1000 for your iPhone for a reason...

Would you rather have this or a Chevrolet SS?

1st World Problems.