Taking a break from the review to object to you calling Buffy cute. Willow is cute. Calling Buffy cute is like calling Dean cute, when it's Sam that's cute.
Taking a break from the review to object to you calling Buffy cute. Willow is cute. Calling Buffy cute is like calling Dean cute, when it's Sam that's cute.
I disagree. A conscience's job is to tell you what you *should* do, not to instruct you.
If you're going to call a male Bernie Sanders supporter 'Bernie bro' and want an equivalent for a female supporter of his, a better bet would be 'Sanders sis'.
I'm inclined to think the fact that Van Der Bellen beat Hofer supports this.
I think you might be confusing Bernie supporters with disengaged voters who take no interest in politics until they have a choice between 2 candidates.
When he started comparing the reality of fairytale world to the reality of history textbooks, I really enjoyed that. A great, logical analogy, as was his discussion of multiple different realities. I just wish he'd taken that further and invoked the Everett many-worlds hypothesis (and it would have really made my day…
I'm British and the word hamlet is still used commonly to describe a very small village. There aren't too many of those, so it's still a rare word, but no rarer than its concept.
I don't get the reference. Mine was to Ruby and Dorothy being a couple.
I hope you're still watching.
Possible answer: from the perspective of our world, fairytale world is always happening, so when they get to our world, they come to the latest year in which it is happening, because in our universe time runs forward instead of sideways.
You may agree by now, but I'm watching it for the first time on Netflix and I've barely seen anything I dislike, except the 'bird won't be happy without a mate' nonsense and the claustrophobic and unnecessary restriction on anyone leaving Storybrooke. It would be more interesting if the Evil Queen had the potential to…
I don't mind it, but they might explain why they're called dwarves. Is it their species name and a coincidence?
Maybe the dwarves are like Native Americans but are named after their predominant moods instead of nature imagery.
Reading this in the future is painful.
Lost reference: David saving Snow White from falling off a cliff in the same way as and that looks exactly like the one Locke saved Jack from in White Rabbit.
Perhaps as a character he's from the Isle of Man.
The problem is the feature promoting their sexuality; let there be features promoting their achievements and let those who are so inclined become sexually aroused by non-sexually-promoted photos of them accomplishing those achievements and by the achievements themselves.
Not when you're watching it on Netflix they're not. And I don't care what the producers want, I care what I want, which is not to know things about the next episode before I'm watching it. Ridicule if you must, but it would be more decent to stop posting preview info.
And yet plenty of people blame the Kennedy assassination on someone standing on the grassy knoll. If you fire a gun while standing in a crowd near a president, you should be prepared for the idea that people will accuse you of attempting to kill the president.
Lowering your IQ so you can enjoy something is impossible as a feat of willpower alone, so you might as well enjoy what you can and then enjoy going on the Internet and pointing out what you didn't. You get to enjoy two things and maybe influence the creation of a show in the future that you enjoy even more because…