Lol. No it’s not. If you’re fucking from behind and don’t attempt to put at least a pinky in I’d consider that offensive.
Lol. No it’s not. If you’re fucking from behind and don’t attempt to put at least a pinky in I’d consider that offensive.
If someone knocks on my door at 5:30 am I’m rolling the fuck over and going back to sleep....especially if I’ve been drinking when I wasn’t supposed to .
So you could suck at life in front of dozens of fans?
Eh maybe. Train mishaps happen more often than people would expect.
I mean he’s out in the cold wilderness. It seems like a functional thing to do
As someone that sells beard hair on EBay I’m nervous about the competition.
Or maybe they have legitimate doubt about weather a woman that was raped would, in the weeks and months after, calls her rapist and years later take her mother to meet her rapist. Cosby is a monster and raped many, many women and should be in prison. Unfortunately he’s only on trial for one alledge rape and there is…
Without trying to sound like an ass, did anyone else go “hmm” when it was presented that the victim called Cosby many times in the weeks and months alter the alledged rape? That can’t be normal behavior for rape victims I wouldn’t think, but I don’t know. Cosby is obviously a monster and rape many, many women. …
Just not around Cosby, right?
They don’t play the WC every year. BOOM!
I’m sorry, but boobs sexualize themselves. I remember being like 8 and being completely amazed at their awesomeness before I even knew what sex was.
I’m holding out hope for one more Olympic run.
Yeah xanax without alcohol has never had that effect on me. But have a couple of drinks and some xaxax? Look out. Not a good combination.
My god woman. A beer? Nightly? You better check into Passages Malibu immediately.
That guy looks methed up.
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
Jack and Meg aren’t brother and sister. They were married.
You just parrot comments from other blogs .