
I think maybe teams are holding back on Cutler because he’s washed up and maybe he doesn’t want to be a backup (or take backup money). I think Kaep kinda fucked himself with an injury and declining play and, unfortunately, speaking his mind. It was a bad combo of events nobody saw coming. I’d open him with welcome

Oh please.

Can’t blame them. Who the hell wants to watch Big Ten basketball?

Probably just had a wave of wisdom teeth that needed pulling, would be my guess.

Actually, I like Romo a bit more than I did. We all could use a little Dylan in our lives.

It’s the NBA. Mediocre teams make the playoffs every year.

I almost carped my pants!

I mean, I didn’t laugh while reading so pretty sure it wasn’t Drew.

I dunno, an 8 month prison sentence might very well be enough inventive to straighten up.

Don’t be so obtuse

I once punched a baby female kitten on my way to get my gf a Valentine’s Day card and some shitty chocolate that I expected a bj for. Chris Brown is cool in my book!

Yeah but Putin’s dick looks yuge in Trump’s hands.

Pfff, dude missed the shot. That means it was good defense, right?

I grew up with the Sega version. Are they different games completely or are the graphics just different. It’s been over 20 years since I’ve played it.

Yeah, but he’s right.

Like the announcers mentioned in the video, it would probably be distracting for the guys shooting at that big circle thing they have to throw the orange bouncy ball in.

And so is K-State and Kentucky. I’m sure there are others.

Probably like 400 or 500 bucks

That’s what I though. If so, I don’t think 3 grams would amount to a ton of pills if that’s how they weigh it. 15 maybe?

I had sex with Kate Upton once. Now I live paycheck to paycheck. Never again.