
again, two key paragraphs from the Motherboard article:

Messi Hurt; Assaulted by Math

Thanks, Cubs fan.

Luckily the Navy has thought of that, and is implementing a cutting-edge strategy of “not throwing out everything else on the boat just because we got a laser”

We all know who really built that sucker.

And LeBron is currently their daddy.

The Curry family has gone from best sports baby to most sports babies.

The guy hit by the mouthguard didn’t know how to react. How does someone react in that situation, anyway?

Plus he’s white. Let’s be honest, that’s why you hate him.

Do we include Rose’s minor league numbers or are we pretending the Nippion league is on MLB’s level?

We haven’t had mandatory seatbelts or airbags for the majority of the history of driving, either.

I'll agree that the TSA is hamstrung at almost every point, but to argue that it's not really necessary is ridiculous.

The government is run by anti-government types that constantly claim that the government is broken. Why else are the ATF, TSA, VA failures?

I know this sounds counter-intuitive but I think Alexa is getting dumber the longer I have an Echo. I was one of the preorders and have had an Echo for a while. I was hoping it would be able to do things like say what local channel a ballgame was on or have a tie-in to my MLBTV account where I could just say “Listen

I know this sounds counter-intuitive but I think Alexa is getting dumber the longer I have an Echo. I was one of the

People really need to get over it and just upgrade. It’s not going to give your PC cancer, it will never be your precious XP or 7, but it is sure as hell better than 8.

Download the Google Phone APK from APK Mirror and install manually. Should work as long as you have Marshmallow.

We did fly SAAB Drakens before the F-16s. And currently fly English Merlin helicopters (which are crap).

FA commentators would have simply recommended replacing every plane the Danes have with an A10 and calling it day.

I read a lot of blogs and stuff so I know things!

Yes, because there are no other fighter manufacturers in NATO.

they are a member of NATO which makes buying american sort of mandatory