
Yep. Food wasn’t meant to be disposed down a drain. Ask anyone who works in your local water department. They are starting to need to send out letters about these things to try and re-educate people in the west about such things.

Yep. Food wasn’t meant to be disposed down a drain. Ask anyone who works in your local water department. They are

Protesting hasn’t been truly effective since the civil rights movement, least within the context of race. And of course that was righteous because they had genuine issues to rally around. This is not one of them. It ignores the numbers and studies.

You should visit Syria or a lot of other places in the world if you want to see monsters, and true victims.

Because by any sane metric of beauty, she wouldnt not be on the list. I mean we can leave the lies and all the fluffy feelings at the door and just be honest about it. This is the internet. We don’t actually have to keep up the charade when we are anonymous.

Classy. Really makes your point more logical.

Act like a professional victim and people will be happy to oblige. You are only afforded a reasonable expectation to anything in a free society that will ask you to surrender some liberties in order to make it work. That has probably been rolled back even further after the digital information age became a reality.

Can we get honest about who these people are/were? Really honest?

“women are incapable of friendship”

Im going to love the ridiculous amount of crow people will eat if this guy gets outed for doping, like many of his teammates. Yes, it is possible that he is so naturally gifted that a Jamaican team lousy with cheaters, and documented systems of cheating, that he was the golden exception, but it isnt likely. A complex

Bolt doesn’t really bother me. The idiot who makes an ordinary football tackle and decides to celebrate, does. Or hell yes Cam Newton’s spastic, manufactured celebrations of himself. Guy just happens to be black. Same color as most of my sports heroes.

That dude won by such a margin that everyone on the planet should be suspicious. And that’s the issue with sprinting/running at the moment. People coming out of nowhere, putting up godly times.

That was kind of the point, yes.

What about my comment would lead you to believe my life is “sad.” I understand it’s an easy insult but what exactly?

Some people still have a sense of humor? I know, shocking.

Ah yes, the lazy ass, simplistic, social justice argument about not being able to possibly know how someone acts because you have never been that gender, race, etc. It’s as if we are not sentient beings that can form conclusions from simply observing. I wonder why mean girls is considered such a culturally significant

They probably, privately hate each other like every other young group of girls.

I still think Raisman’s routines looked more difficult and powerful but I guess that why I am not an Olympic judge.

Usually these are laugh out loud funny but this one falls flat. THe Cutler stuff is tired and lazy. And the social narrative?

I am never going to understand how people hate on this sport. Some of the most heroic efforts, and flat out heartbreaking defeats, you will see while watching major tours or Olympic cycling events.

Boy there are some interesting mugs in the video still before you play it.