Use a fork.
Use a fork.
Use a fork.
Use a fork.
They’ve had some no-shit controls over TOW AT and Stingers are far more difficult to use, let alone employ effectively. They are not a look down sight, pull trigger weapon. So much goes into just firing them that a decent amount of troops who train on them, simply do not get certified.
Play to the camera and get burned. Ask Cam.
I don’t know if it is “want to preserve” so much as need to preserve. There is no perfect, let alone good answer, to any of this. It’s like the use of drones to basically execute significantly dangerous people we cannot reasonably capture.
This is a real problem when we cannot meet in the middle on certain issues that are fundamentally important on so many levels. The FBI phone thing is a perfect example. Privacy advocates refuse to ceed any ground to a new reality of the digital age, that our enemies and competitors will either exploit, or not have to…
I didn’t say anything about a backdoor. I simply said that the British, being logical grown ups, will solve this issue and then we can follow suit, since everyone in this country is a simplistic conspiracy theorist now.
They would clamor for a backdoor, and China is insisting a level of similar decryption be a reality if you want to do business there. That’s not what the FBI is asking for, though. They are asking for help in doing a fairly straightforward brute force attack using a supercomputer. And the future of balancing privacy…
Which is stupid because the relevant ‘key’ would be written on a per-phone basis and would have no value to any other phone. Tim Cook has simply taken a PR stance in the age of spastic NSA conspiracy garbage.
Watched my mother lose her home and go through bankruptcy. Three months after it was complete she was getting credit card applications in the mail at favorable rates. Three years after, her score was back up over 700. The bankruptcy has counted against her at all.
Why would you feel it is your place to say anything?
This thing has always screamed special forces and it should be the exact kind of thing that people can accept. The ‘coalition’, with -significant- Arab backing, should have built an SOF task force to support indigenous forces. The best of Jordan, Saudi Arabia, etc, should have went in alongside Western SOF. You can…
At the point Finland needs to make purchasing decisions, I firmly believe the F-35 will have matured to the current F-22 levels of operational realization, and countries will be looking to procure at very least, small amounts of them to act as force multiplying, intelligence and battlespace management platforms. I…
He’s definitely a cunt. And his pizza sucks. AS if that last thing needs to be said.
Hate? C’mon. Certain people who were brought up to be humble before all else, simply have a problem with his manufactured, boarding on mastabatory, playing to the camera.
Most genuine he has ever been.
And yet my $10 plastic one has somehow also lasted that long.
And yet my $10 plastic one has somehow also lasted that long.
The entirety of the Cold War war was fought with one overriding mentality. The Soviets will force themselves into corners because they were at odds with humanity. Putin’s Russia is no different. You do not want to force them into corners yourself. They will routinely call your bluff and deal with the consequences…
You know there is the reality of people who get up and go to work everyday without any fanfare, to maybe want their sports heroes to not act like they just reinvented the wheel when they do something entirely ordinary, within the context of their totally disproportionately paying job.
There is a difference in how and why evolution happens. Games are not evolving for reasons other than money. And the more we pay these guys the less humble they are.
Still amazing that a kinja blog is explaining the hysterical nature of media when Gawker is a thing.