
thanks, I was trying to think of a borderline inappropriate song to post after the notre dame fire and couldn’t, and I woke up with my mom’s voice in my brain implant saying “hey, what about Burn Down the Mission?” which seemed like a good enough suggestion and there was this really good live clip of the song, voila

if you dont have xanax or something thats good for a panic attack just chill and drink a couple beers its all in your head after all. definitely want to alcohol your way out of a panicked high if possible just dont overdo it and get the spins, but that would usually be if youre really drunk then get stoned.

maybe youre of the mind that bran hodor and whats his name looking for the raven and winding up as a tree that sees the future is without a doubt the worst storyline in game of thrones despite its representation of a handicapped person who now he has some kind of autism to boot, its one step too far plus he grew up fu

its definitely proved its worth to be somewhere between 500 and -500 dollars. unless you count putting a lot of work and parts into it i mean thats more like a failure of common sense and cant be factored into the original cost of the rust heap.

well depending on which weekend muni youre standing around at waiting to tee off it could be as much as a third democrats playing. so, you know, private, well funded and 30 dollar or more greens fees clubs excluded there are dems who golf. not that republicans dont have a stranglehold on the sport. i think tiger might

was at a soccer game and no lie bora milutinovic walks by within a few yards of where i was standing

wish they would follow dechambeau and koepka unfortunately theyre one group away from mickleson’s group so its going to be rare to get any footage of them golfing today friday. least we’re up on justin rose’s struggle to break even from three over. some things watching golf in particular never change #republicast

dont you have to kill the ape to get the whistle? at that point in the game the warrior shouldn’t require the lilac umbrella especially if you have the purple gourd. thats what annoys me about that item though i did craft it today after killing the warrior and the guardian ape. guess i can use it against the

at last the long awaited kotaku review of fortnite, knew i got out of bed for a reason.

Now playing

Cat Stevens - The First Cut is the Deepest

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Roy Buchanan from the PBS documentary “The World’s Greatest Unknown Guitarist”

are you sure it cant be a miata? maybe a boxster?

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keep your silly ways, or throw them out the window