
Frustrated college athletes across the country are begging their tutors to write a thoughtful rebuttal.

They did already, I think it’s called the SEC or something.

Bolt’s lack of injury and trailing off at age 30 are just about the best proof that he was always clean.

Agreed. Besides, tennis players are better equipped than most to tell whether or not something crossed the line.

Very suspicious...why would a tennis player date a kicker?

He’s more uptight than his pants.

As an Indians fan, last season should serve to illustrate that, eventually, analytic numbers and on-field results converge. It can take awhile.

Your team isn’t very good.

You must not have been watching 1986-2013.

Sorry. I shouldn’t comment after eating a pot brownie.

When you really think about it, your entire life, the lives of everyone around you, of everyone who ever lived, is still a small sample size. That’s why you shouldn’t be a betting man. Or be one, it doesn’t matter, as nothing really matters in the context of the universe.

Probably because we’ve got something like a 14 game lead over them if we go by BP’s adjusted standings. Teams don’t always play up (or down) to projections because baseball is fluky as shit, but if I’m a betting man, I’m betting on the Royals nosediving, not continuing to surge.

Most of us baseball Nerd Tribe fans have not been worried about KC.

They beat the Sox and Tigers

Actually, Charley might have the right idea. Jered Weaver is making $3 million this year to be useless on the mound.

Needless flexing of authority, wild overreaction to immigrant, old and miserable.

No shit Chauncey.

I mean, I could almost buy this if one of his wish-list destinations were not Minnesota.

Said inked fan, was just waiting for the ump to call: “Reich Three!”

Sure, Eckersley doesn’t know how rough it is on pitchers today. David Price has completed 16 of his 259 career starts, and Eckersley completed 17.