
Oh, absolutely. I am hating him intensely as I sit here.

There are some nice people around here, but there are a lot of people who buy into the Texas mythos so much that it’s sickening. I’ve lived here for 9 years myself, but I’m also a Texas native who’s from the Texas everyone actually pictures when they think about the “rugged individualists” of Texas so I don’t get the

As a Texas native I think can weigh in on his thought process.

This is why I could never understand people who quit their jobs to be a youtuber (unless they are making 100% original content). Basing your livelihood off of a service you have no control over seems like a big gamble.

Seriously? Who in the world is a “mouthpiece” for Chinese propaganda. Give me a break.

I would definitely get this mod if Rockstar didn’t keep the price of a 4 year old game still at 60$ on Steam. Even at 50% off I still think it’s too expensive for a game I already own twice. Aren’t they making enough billions with shark cards online? Can’t I just get the single player for 20$?

Somehow, despite all that the 5-year-old had been through, a judge agreed to allow Naomi Hall supervised visitation with the child at the hospital.

A lot of fast food places time the service. If your times go up on average, management can come down on the store, the managers, and the employees. No raises, staff cuts, etc.

Halo is a battle simulator?

Your entire post reads like a joke but it isn’t, is it? lol, good grief.

Agree to disagree. Well, except for the King’s Fall and Crota’s End armor. Now, some of the shaders combined with the non-shadable exotics are another matter.

But the EMALS!

What a lovely group of people. Show’s how little they know of the word “fraternity” when they abandon someone to die simply because they’re cowards.

Some 15 year olds have baby faces. This is a pic supplied by the family. I’m sure people are scouring social media as we speak looking for pictures to make the victim look like a gang member. Jordan Edwards sounds like a common name, I’m sure any minute pics of 35 year old Jordan Edwards will be used to defame the

Ummmm not even the cops are claiming they were shot at...

"I am the walrus" - John Lennon. If Kurt Cobain were the walrus he would still be alive as he would not have had fingers to pull a trigger.