
Uh, these particular Nazi and Alt Right ones know they’re lying half the time, they just hate Black people and women. It’s more willful than just being the product of a bad environment.   

This is exactly why any attempts by the city of Charlottesville to act like “outside influences” were why shit went down are complete bullshit. The police have been more than happy to let these fools come back multiple times to “demonstrate” and are showing just how committed to the cause they are by arresting Harris.

I deleted a longer comment specifically referencing that, pointing out that dude could have gone on the internet and found a dozen officers who walked away from murder chargers, officers we all know killed innocent kids.

We were discussing the new Punisher show and the apparent Death Wish remake, which has Bruce Willis vengefully executing black kids in broad daylight for looking like a stereotype (judging bythe trailer).

“The south will rise again” my ass. These people go where they know they’ll get a pass, where they know their white supremacists bullshit will be tolerated.... I constantly tell people they do not go where they’ll truly be in danger, they go where they know they will be safe and can voice hate.

Patriotism is the refuge of the scoundrel.

I think there is something to be said for hyper-nationalism that is unsettling. I’m a veteran and I don’t understand the idol worship of the American Flag. I fully grasp the symbolism just not the idolatry.

thats pretty much it. i would go so far as to say that much like someone who continually tells you how christian they are is NOT going to act remotely christian. someone who harps on patriotism really means a obsessive nostalgia for when pre civil rights pre womens liberation pre caring about anyone but people who

But those same people will trip over themselves to defend fliers of Confederate flags (and might fly one themselves...)

The thin blue line flag is an evil, ignorant image. This symbol is specifically anti-BLM. It advocates a police state. I read it as “Only Blue Lives Matter”. But also, slapping that sticker on your car a great way for white folks to avoid speeding tickets. On Long Island, these are EVERYWHERE. People fly them

Crazy how as Americans we can become uncomfortable when we start to see too many American flags.

This feels like it’s simultaneously disrespecting the American flag and the Stankonia album cover and I don’t know which angers me more.

It’s also useful for spotting in the parking lot and knowing which coworkers to avoid.

I had heard of the ‘thin blue line’ flag before but not seen an example. I figured it would be a blue line between solid black and white fields in the most transparent symbolism ever.

this mother. fucking. horse. shit. cock. balls. damn. FUUUUCKING. symbol. the only use i have for this thing is that it helps me differentiate which neighbors not to invite to the christmas party.

What completely baffles my mind with these people is the ‘blue lives matters’ flag is literally a desecrated American flag. So Colin Kaerpnick is disrespecting the flag by taking a knee for his cause, but you’re not disrespecting it by drawing on it with magic markers for yours?

That’s because it’s easier to hide your racism underneath patriotism. There’s this false belief that if I’m a patriot, I can’t possibly be a racist.

Throw a gun in there and you have a full on gang bang

A more intriguing question is why so many want to have an awkward threesome with both it and the Confederate flag...