lmao I got the name wrong, I’ve never watched the tv show, oh well
lmao I got the name wrong, I’ve never watched the tv show, oh well
Man, “sinister” comes so naturally to Ruth Wilson. I am more than a little interested in seeing this.
wow I for one am outraged that a guy wrote a song addressing certain members of one gender about one thing and will definitely be boycotting ***checks notes*** “Summer Girls” by LFO until further notice
wow Van Helsing is still running, amazing
There’s the difference, then. :)
Yeah, and what I’m saying is that when there is not a boss constricting my schedule, there are a very intense 2- and 5-year-old constricting my schedule. At least at work I get to set a plan for the day and actually stick to it without anyone yelling or crying at me. Like I said, different experiences.
I have to say the one thing my kids have never made me feel is “free”. But it just goes to show how different different people’s experiences of parenthood can be.
good god that frickin movie
genuine question: why does Kylie Jenner pay so much money to look like a Real Housewive in her fifties?
Zayn and Zhavia should not sound like they’re about to cry on this song that is obviously about joyful sexual discovery and awakening :|
lmao at this guy lofting one softball question after another and Shapiro just whiffing on all of them. #TeamFuckingComet
*whispers* I didn’t like the line. As someone who doesn’t even like Tony Stark, I’m almost certain he would have come up with something wittier and more responsive than that in the moment.
Pete Buttigieg: smart enough to be a Rhodes Scholar, not smart enough to presoak his kidneys so they don’t make his apartment smell like pee.
Goddamnit I’m mad that for the first time in my life I approve of a thing that Jared Leto did
They kept him on ice for most of the last seventy years. Presumably you don’t age in the deep-freeze.
My parents gave us one month of diaper service for each of ours and it was really nice.
lmao I can’t believe I actually went to see that movie and now, a scant seven years later, am a Marvel superfan. What a sausagefest.
This makes perfect sense to me as an explanation and also makes me wish that they... just wouldn’t try it... :|
I didn’t remember Sousa sharing that story, but it’s been a while since I rewatched Agent Carter (working on it right now). Thanks for catching me up.