
lol no they aren’t

Please read the comment I was replying to, and then my comment. Thank you.


*whispers* fuck Evangelion, watch Revolutionary Girl Utena

shut up Perd

uhhhh isn’t that what Johnny Depp does in every role now

thank god we have wise men like you to pierce her veil of illusion and deceit! THANK GOD.

The episode we watched last night sympathetically discussed the iron doors a member of the Anglo-Irish gentry had installed on his estate in the late 19th century to keep the riff-raff out, and how “brave” he and his family were and... like... sir. Your late father gambled away the feudal proceeds of an entire Irish

but Moulin Rouge was basically La Boheme dressed up with pop songs sooooooooooooooooooooo

no? why would you say that? 

ha ha ha ha ha ha how dare you

okay can we talk about how Garth Brooks is (1) contoured to hell and (2) clearly aging and this is not allowed?????

(The best part is that Trump Sr. apparently hated this because... Trump Jr. should have gotten more money? or Tiffany’s instead of Bailey Banks & Biddle? or...??? Like, how hilarious that there are branding scams that Trump Sr., the man who lives on branding, finds too unclassy.)

It was definitely on low, thanks. :)

Man, you would love to just disappear Bill Clinton right out of the middle here, wouldn’t you. He was a grown man deemed intelligent enough to be elected president of the United States. How much MORE responsible was he, given his age and his power?

Update: IT’S GREAT I LOVE IT except for the daft nobility parts, I have many strong and largely uninformed opinions about Anglo-Irish gentry and what they were growing/eating

Fair. I only have scorzonera and that motherfucker is surprisingly invasive, but since it’s currently only displacing the dandelions and dock in my vegetable garden, I’ll allow it. I’m good on the bindweed and thistle, though.

She got her citizenship based on her green card, which was unrelated to her marriage to Trump.  You can say tons of nasty stuff about her without recycling garbage visa fraud narratives.

oh goddamnit I’m gonna have to watch this, I love old-timey cooking and fancy country estates