honestly, it’s great, and I really look forward to getting them. I’m a little sad they stop at age 6 because I welcome any wisdom the state has to share with me about my children through at least their 30s.
honestly, it’s great, and I really look forward to getting them. I’m a little sad they stop at age 6 because I welcome any wisdom the state has to share with me about my children through at least their 30s.
Washington. They have a page describing the program here: https://www.doh.wa.gov/YouandYourFamily/Immunization/ChildProfileHealthPromotion/HealthPromotionMaterials. But none of it specifically addresses discipline, as I remember.
My state actually mails out developmentally appropriate packets for both of my kids once every year or so, and it’s great. (I think it’s based on the hospital submitting their birth information?) Information on what milestones they should be hitting, what vaccinations they should be getting, proper portion size, etc.…
room-temperature capers nothing, I can’t believe she uses capers in vinegar instead of the salt-packed ones, which everyone knows are superior in flavor and texture
Looking forward to the inevitable dark reboot in which a sepulchral howl sounds out over a minor-key metal cover of the original:
It is super-annoying and also possibly just propaganda for Big International Courier Delivery?
ALL of you are ignoring SuperWings AND MiniForce which are just as loathsome THANK YOU
Did you.... read the review????
“I don’t regret anything.”
wow, it’s almost as if this guy is fundamentally untethered from any objective or observable reality
I was once walking home in my old neighborhood late at night when I spotted a couple of fat raccoons in an alley ahead of me.
It’s because they know they’d win in a fight.
“FIGHT THE POWERS THAT FEED” - my toddler daughter, probably
Right? My last few “nursing sessions” with my daughter were just her going on a nursing strike because she figured out I was doing it to help her sleep at bedtime and just... I would have loved our last few times to be gentle and sweet rather than me pushing my tit at her and her slapping it and laughing.
Mine were mostly gentle nursers. Mostly. :|
I blame the fathers for not wanting those boobs back; my few years away felt like an eternity. ;-)
I feel that anticipatory horror entirely. We have a friend whose son nursed until like...3, I think, and she had to wean him because she wanted to get pregnant again. In contrast, both of my kids kind of weaned themselves around 14-16 months, and it honestly made me a little sad, because I lost not only that special…
. . . . .
man shut the fuck up, you don’t even deserve that RealDoll you’re saving for.