
I’m sad that he feels like that is an appropriate response to “kids have opinions on the internet”.

I don’t know what the “rule” is

if you didn’t want the doll to hate you you should have been nicer to it

depends are you at all afraid that one or more of your dolls wants to murder you


“You have too many dolls.”


what the fuck is wrong with you

Reba is amazing and this is the closest I’ve been to buying KFC in years soooo mission accomplished?

right, I feel like either the animated Cinderella or Sleeping Beauty featured one of them dancing with a broom

I think I speak for all of us when I say

“Are you really hungry or are you just thirsty?”

That’s great! What a cool connection. (and uh, that was my comment.)

okay? It’s not as if Rockwell was doing a portrait of Mary Doyle Keefe; he was having her model, presumably to get the lighting and fabric folds right. He didn’t have to make the body of the fictitious Rosie the Riveter the exact same as the body of the real life Mary the Telephone Operator.

I know the Westinghouse Rosie poster is iconic... but it’s also a product of Westinghouse’s War Production Co-ordinating Committee, an anti-union corporate body. I much prefer Norman Rockwell’s Rosie, both for her burly, give-no-shits aesthetic and her clear anti-fascism.

But I thought that prions are concentrated in nerve tissue? If you don’t eat spine or brain tissue, don’t you avoid prions almost entirely?

that’s the whole reason unagi is served totally cooked. I mean, that and certain textural issues.

I saw this truck yesterday downtown and made eye contact with the guy in it. Based purely on the look he gave me, he is already tired of all possible jokes on the topic.

we likely won’t be needing it for at least the next thirty years or so,

I think you’re inferring something not in the text. I didn’t say that I *could* have sex that often, I just said, GIVEN THE OPTION.