a UCLA professor, Tananarive Due
As someone who worked in Japan as an ALT, OH MY GOD but also PLEASE GIVE ME A TOILET
*wiggles fingers* Ghooooooooost Caaaaaaat
so your gramps died of an alcohol-related heart attack at 52... and then your mom died of an alcohol-related liver failure at 52? Not sure whether to be skeptical or just worry for your personal health :(
As a woman who has been sexually assaulted, no.
I work in immigration. Some days I have to almost physically remind myself that there are areas that are outside of my control, and that I can’t do good work by ignoring what I can do to obsess over what I can’t.
lol Rand is just embarrassed that he’s wearing the same color tie, OH NO, NOW PEOPLE WILL THINK WE ARRANGED THIS AHEAD OF TIME
I don’t know, I feel like we already got a pretty good coming-out-as-bisexual anthem in the first season; but maybe it’ll be closer to Angry Mad but with kisses?
bullllllshit, end of season 3 will be him breaking up with God to run off with a hot nun
Czaaaaarrr! Oooooof! TORTURRRRE!
am really hoping it’ll go the full Friendtopia
fuck Harvey Weinstein and fuck his fucking bathrobe. He should pay a goddamn mint to every woman who had the misfortune of looking at his fucking face a moment longer than she had to.
I’m almost certain you meant Schmella Schmwan but I’ll allow it
... I know what some of those words mean.
ugh you beat me to it, guess I’ll have this sandwich
I mean... it is their own work. It just features characters that don’t belong to them.