In what possible way are Asians being thwarted by a society that treats them better than the oppressors are treated?
Yes, you’re right, women have been fighting for the right to be required to wear sleeves for lo these many centuries.
As always,
someone SOMEWHERE must have photoshopped the words “For Less” onto the cover of her book already...
I love your Family Bite. Arbitrary family rituals are the best.
I mean, literally any male person can be a sir, but sure.
Once I had a tweet blow up on British Muslim twitter and was like... ok? I think Hapless Semi-ironic White Girl tweets are a genre that I generally excel in...
Clenched fist of truth, accidental murder tool, potato, po-tah-to.
I guess I shouldn’t be shocked at this point by the President’s tendency to lie, obviously and extravagantly, when he encounters criticism. But it does serve as a constant reminder of how terribly unfit he is for the job (and yet... people elected him).
“What about the Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau, who every time he appears in public, women who’ve been leading the charge of outrage over this start, drooling like little puppy dogs about this handsome, devastatingly good-looking guy who they all want to romp with?”
THIS THIS THIS. Breastfeeding can be wonderful, but it can also destroy moms who have trouble producing, and the whole moral panic in some quarters about using formula is fucking nonsense. Whatever keeps mom and baby alive is best.
According to the Center for American Progress, this means approximately 200,000 additional deaths over the next ten years:
*reads WaPo article*
Seattle’s Woodland Park Zoo also has a new giraffe! It’s a girl! She has no name yet! Look at those lashes!