
So for crudo or sashimi it’s sliced very thin across the muscle, and sometimes par-cooked. It is surprisingly sweet and very sea-food-y, kind of like raw scallop.

(For the record I’m really a Pacific Northwest boy, and had nothing to do with these damn clams. Where I come from, we have these enormous things called geoducks, and they’re pretty gross while they’re still alive and kicking.)

*glances in a southward direction* Oregon, y’all need help. :\

If you read the linked article about the couple previously convicted of manslaughter, there’s a history of stillborn children and mothers dying during childbirth in this church. At some point their “faith” just looks like malice towards women and children.

Goddamnit if your baby comes out at 4 pounds or under you need to take that baby to the hospital you dumb shits

Are there any members of the Jezebel community that don’t agree with Body-Positivity when it’s glamorizing women that are clearly so overweight that they’re destined for health problems

GIRL. I was so thick and cute and tan in middle school and was still miserable about how “fat” I was compared to the other girls. I wish I could go back in time and give that wee me a hug.

oh my god were they ever so young T_T

GLENN. 9_9

I think the Intercept is sometimes pointlessly contrarian. I don’t think that they’re EVIL.

They’ve had really good coverage on some stuff- right after inauguration, they had some great scoops on various immigration issues from inside USCIS. I don’t rule them out in general.

Finding it interesting that it came from the Intercept, whose writers have historically downplayed or outright dismissed the Russian election interference angle. *chin stroke emoji*

Hello you are exactly the type of asshole who should not be working in HR, fuck off forever please.

PLEASE ADD: Northwest Immigrant Rights Project (, providing services to immigrants (documented and un-) in the Pacific Northwest!

most of them, yes. But nobody could expect the rubes in the White House to know that now.

oh no, haven’t you heard? we’re already sick of winning.

It looks like a plastic or mylar cutout? Would be a huge pain to actually rap through but looks SO COOL for a video. All the looks in this are amazing.

[citation needed]

The consulates in Subsaharan Africa are known for being uniformly tough and suspicious of fraud. I had a case looong ago out of Cote d’Ivoire and had like four interviews before the woman was finally able to get her fiancee visa.

yeah, I’m trying to steel myself for the inevitable teen years when my child is actually, intentionally mean to me. At this age they’re just tiny sociopaths with no sense of others, which is somehow more forgivable.