Yes and no.
Yes and no.
So, Charles is selling honors and Andrew is being sued for rape but the big story is that a Palace insider thinks that Megan needs to respect the Queen.
Ah, I see, what she’s concerned about is that *gasp* doctors might have to provide life saving medical care. The horror.
To be clear, Collins is concerned that doctors who have particular religious beliefs will be forced to perform abortions against their personal convictions
I don’t disagree with you at all.
under the impression that the couple had a relatively small following so I’m not under the impression that it was group of followers yelling about the case.
Let’s not forget that Nicki also implied on her radio show that Jennifer was white in order to invoke some really f*cked up Black man being wrongfully accused narrative. That’s after she also tried the “They were in a relationship” lie. The whole thing was so boldly disgusting but her fans will believe literally…
Even with pretty white ladies it’s not normally national news.
Welcome to literally every time period since mass media has been a thing. There’s always been morbid coverage of murders/missing persons.
Different clothes, different prophets, but same core beliefs.
The PM of Pakistan was interviewed on BBC World News this morning, and they were asking him about Pakistan letting Taliban go back and forth across the border with no issues, etc. and the Paks kind of turning a blind eye to what Taliban was doing. Of course the PM denied this, but when asked about the new improved…
No. You get a lawyer. You do not talk to the police.
This is a true inspiration to Republicans everywhere.
no white guys tho
“Those weren’t whips! They were extra long reins being SWUNG like whips! Big difference!!”
“Inability” in that the masters of money don’t want to print any for the poors. Only banks and billionaires get money for free.
Yes, I was surprised at how many people seemed to be surprised someone would lawyer up and not say anything. White guys obviously get preferential treatment in life, but cops are frequently fuckers to everyone. They’d love to string up a suspect and walk away heroes, due process or truth be damned.
“It’s a lot of work...but not for me!” should be the entirety of that quote. How much do we really think Boris helped the various mothers out with the child-rearing, short of depositing checks? Granted, the current batch are probably just being raised by a nanny anyway, since the new wife is way too into interior…
I guess it is further proof that there is someone for everyone? Or at least that is what people tell me. I’ve yet to find anyone tolerable enough or, conversely, that can tolerate me. So I just adopted a child and avoided the whole affair.
A disgusting thought and I am so very happy to be a fellow childless crone. It means never having to wake up and look at your baby daddy wondering what you’ve done.