username checks
username checks
I get that insane sort of giddiness when I see that people still think that rapists are lurking in bushes waiting to pounce on total strangers...and then I remember that these people are living in some kind of horrific fantasy land...
Lawrence Tribe has been pitching the idea of having the DOJ prosecute anyone filing suit under the Texas law. Federal law would allow this, believe it or not, because of the provision that makes it a crime to deprive someone else of their constitutional rights:
If Olivia made it to 41 without getting pregnant, I’m guessing she knows how to not get pregnant. With that said, I’m guess she knows how to get pregnant, also. I doubt this was a surprise to her. I would also say, John is on the express train with no signs of ever getting off.
FWIW I get that couples change over time. I’m just acknowledging that it generally sucks when someone in a relationship does a 180 on something so large and when that happens, someone is probably really unhappy.
I may be personally disappointed by the fact that Mulaney and his wife got divorced because, through his comedy, I was somewhat invested in the running narrative of “John Mulaney is happily married, and he and his wife love one another.” Particularly when so much stand up comedy doesn’t use as a central conceit how…
i mean, its not anybodies business right up until the person goes on national television and uses it to drum up actual business
Well, they also say not to make big decisions for a year after your spouse or SO dies, so it’s just a version of the same thing. You’re making big changes as it is, don’t mistake throwing the baby out with the bathwater as a positive change just because you’re already making so many changes in your life is more the…
I didn’t follow the Mulaney/wife guy relationship dynamic super closely outside of his standup and I’m not a celeb goss person in general. But my only prevailing thought is holy FUCK do I feel terrible for Mulaney’s ex wife. To have your famous husband who paraded your supposedly blissful (and childfree) marriage…
I feel like this being treated differently because we all generally like JM and think his work is good. Which, I agree with.
I am admittedly enjoying how Harry’s normal life is essentially the fucking same as before, an ennobled rich guy living in a large estate behind walls just in case the riffraff get any ideas.
You can think this dude is funny, talented and trying his best. But he is also a douche bag. This dude is pulling a “Phoenix rising from the ashes” story line after dumping his wife and immediately knocking up the next thing that blinked at him. The same ex wife he praised for supporting him through his prior issues…
Jesus fucking christ, Jezebel. Maybe wait more than 48 hours from posting THIS:
Mulaney praised his partner for taking him on at his post-rehab shakiest. “She held my hand through that hell,” said Mulaney,
Sadly, this is 100% textbook behavior of what recovery therapists refer to as “flight to health”. The grandiloquent epiphanies, entering a serious romantic/sexual relationship, the recovering addict impregnates their the partner, and the addict elevating the partner to savior status are all enormous, post-active addict…
We should “normalize” not womb trolling famous women for simply going outside in normal clothes. But. The blog that has reported every last detail of every K-Klan relationship drama is suddenly above relationship gossip? John Mulaney cultivated the image of a sensitive man just trying to do his best by his wife. It is…
John Mulaney also traded quite a bit in his past comedy about how much he loves his wife, how perfect his wife was and how glad he was to have his wife.
Is there any celebrity related content that is anyone’s “business”? And define “care”. Performing emotion online is about the lowest effort/least engaged pursuit available.
Yes, yes, it’s nobody business, but let me say as a person in recovery, I believe that you shouldn’t enter a new relationship in the first year of sobriety. Some strict sponsors would say, “Wait two years.” Just my opinion, but I don’t think it bodes well for his future sobriety. Don’t yell at me.
It’s very “I’m shocked, shocked, to find that [gossip-mongering] is going on in here!”