
It’s weird to read this which is written as this is ancient history, with the author coolly observing this phenomenon as if from afar. I am eight months older than William. I remember well the incongruity of flipping through Tiger Beat or Seventeen looking at pictures of teenie bopper pop stars and actors, only to be

If only she had thrown them some paper towels....

This is one of the reasons why Republicans do better than Democrats. Republicans understand political theater. They go to the border in military fatigues and guns. They stage a confrontation with “coyotes”. Meanwhile Democrats diligently talk about root causes and try to take a systems approach. Well systemic root

I just hate that the Republican freak attacks sometimes overshadow actual criticisms you could have about Harris. Her stance on immigration is not exactly new or surprising for a centrist Democrat. They’ve always being very polite in their harsh stance on the issue. Just look at Obama/Joe’s deportation numbers vs

My rules for naming humans:

For what it’s worth, “Lilibeth” (usually, but not always, with the “th”) is an old nickname for Elizabeth, even though etymologically it seems to be more related to Lily. From a quick search, it looks like it’s never been popular as a given name in the US, but it does well in the Philippines and Venezuela.

Yes, sorry.  I realized it wasn’t as funny a joke as I thought it was and deleted it before I realized you’d responded to it.  

...I do think nicknames should develop organically,” is exactly why my grandson (Aidan) ended up being called “Bert,” by me anyway.

Is it though? Wouldn’t that have been mentioned? The statement was ”Lili is named after her great grandmother” not “after her great grandmother and great-great-great aunt.” it just sounds like fan speculation to explain why they didn’t use any names from Meghan’s side of the family (don’t know why fans feel a need to

What’s the point of giving the 1% a giant tax cut if they are just going to have to pay their employees more!  Unfair!

You know that joke about the drunk who loses his keys in a dark alley, but looks for it under the streetlamp because ‘the light is better here’? That’s Johnson and the other lads pretending they want to stop sexual violence. They don’t want to look at their own complicity and acceptance, they don’t want to change

That’s the thing that makes me laugh here. I can understand people having a longer name and then later choosing a nickname that’s shorter (Nathan being Nate, Jessica being Jess etc) but here they’ve given her this strange given name only to admit on the day of announcing they’re going to call her Lili day to day… so

This is the most accurate description of self-labeled Royal experts. All protocol, manners, etc. is all made up anyway so it makes sense you’d have “experts” making it up along the way too.

I mean Lilibet just sounds like a ridiculous given name to begin with. Not as bad as Apple or whatever Musk chose again but sounds like desperate rich people “you’re special” all the same.

Wanna save women from being raped and murdered by cops? I know the solution… more cops!

I mean the biggest thing with “royal experts” is that all of them have clearly never met any of the people they claim to be experts on, given how they waffle on about “oh what I think paedo/racist/lazy means this” when it’s the most banal things made out to be deliberate actions of serious importance. If we saw

All Cops Are Bastards.

Maybe it’s just me, but calling equal pay for equal work a “woke social norm” is a pretty appalling statement, even by Mitch McConnell’s standards.

Oh yeah I'm not condoning tossing bricks on cars, or chopping off heads for that matter.

“It’s the principle about it.”