Ran into it when I started out, and things haven’t changed-if staff is cut, men will be kept because, ”They have a family...” When hiring starts again, “But they have a family...”
Ran into it when I started out, and things haven’t changed-if staff is cut, men will be kept because, ”They have a family...” When hiring starts again, “But they have a family...”
I don’t believe in any Biblical eye-for-an-eye justice. In my mind, there are only three overlapping reasons to lock someone away:
There’s a disturbingly large number of people who believe that if anything is ‘natural’ or ‘traditional’, it doesn’t count as a ‘chemical’, and thus can’t hurt you. That doesn’t explain the meth, but it’s also common for people’s fear of ‘chemicals’ to be directly tied to the government and the medical establishment.…
I hope all the fundies remember that, in his own words, Donny was holding “a bible,” not his bible. And it was upside down.
I really hate all the “And a child shall lead us!” that happens whenever a public tragedy happens involving a child. Adults want to ooh and ahh, but never change anything. Even in the cases where the children do pursue causes related to their tragedies, nothing changes. “Heroic” high school students have been fighting…
I truly hated the “Papa Joe” thing when I saw it. Had not seen the Cheetos and ice cream thing, but that’s even worse, somehow.
Thank you for writing so well about what rubbed me the wrong way about this picture.
The parasocial delusions of so many liberals is absolutely ASTOUNDING to witness...
YES - and to add to this, one of the biggest reasons why all of these crimes (not just Bundy) were so prolific was due to absolutely TERRIBLE police work. Especially in the 60's through 90's when domestic violence was expected to just be handled in the home. And women/minorities were scarce on any police force. And/Or…
We now live in a country where there is no more grievous affront than being told what to do.
Seriously. If you do this, you should be banned from flying on any plane, ever. Want to fly to Europe? Tough shit Karen/Chad, you have to get one a boat like it’s 1948.
I wish service workers had a "stand your ground" equivalent. I'd be fine with tossing this trash out of the cabin.
I’m wondering if this is related to the rise of extra-shitty restaurant customers. Most reasonable people cut back on eating out and flying, so the people who are left are disproportionately terrible.
There needs to be zero tolerance for this kinda shit. Go straight to jail. No bond. A prison sentence and enough of a fine that it ruins their lives forever. And do the same to all the assholes that harrass and assault retail employees.
Hot take - this is the end result of low airfares and the democratization of air travel, combined with a refusal to punish bad behavior.
Amazing how immediately the assaulter’s friend/sister/mother(???) starts accusing the flight attendant of having “went after her first”, which I believe is also the story they’re telling the press. The video is right fucking there.
Y’all, I hate to bring it to your attention, but from my limited experiences out in the Real World these past few months, this sort of behavior isn’t limited to just airplanes.
They should be put on the no fly list.