
I haven’t seen a Daniel-Day Lewis interview. He might be the best actor of his generation but his commitment to “method” tells me he doesn’t get along well in most situations.

I can tell you’re really passionate about this topic since this is the second time you’ve replied to this thread.

No, I got your meaning the first time.

I don’t blame them, per se. Part of being a star, until recently, was building some kind of mystique around yourself. There’s also this pervasive idea that artists (writers, illustrators, actors, etc.) are supposed to be pursuing their craft for “art itself” and not for money.


I’m sorry that happened to you.

I will try my best to not read too much into their posts. I hope that, maybe, they’re in the process of learning.

Waiting for Roger-chan in 3...2...

I can’t speak for other people, but I tend to get squicked out by the idea that someone might have a romantic relationship with someone their children’s age or younger.

The number of replies on the last article I got about “infantilizing” young women for merely suggesting that people have a lot of growing to do emotionally between ages 18-25...

As a fellow internet argument person, I appreciate your paragraphs of rebuttal. I appreciate it but I’m not reading all that. The main points are these:

The point is about how, at 23, even though you’re an “adult” and legally capable of making dramatic decisions, you are still maturing and figuring out life in a way you’re just not at 35"

Granted, my brother is not “mentally” a 37 year old but it’s not just a coincidence that his “friend group” had a teen mom to offer up to him. He isn’t guiding her toward better choices and a better life; I can’t say what her motivations are. But according to some people in my replies, using their logic that this girl

I’ve got people (men) in my replies (who I’ve dismissed) who think that I’m projecting my experience onto all young adults and therefore dating young adults is fine, actually.

I’ll ask you: Did you wake up on your 18th birthday a fully formed adult? Did the 17 year olds in your Algebra class clap?

But it has been my experience that most early 20-something parents with jobs are pretty much just as immature as the 20-something college kids.

We don’t have a group chat but I know I’m the only one bothered. I was tempted to post to the AITA Reddit but I also know I wouldn’t find many allies there. Some fun nuggets about their relationship:

It’s all about life experience and your brain to literally stop forming.