A lot of people don’t seem to understand that you can be a perpetrator AND a victim. Both of them admit, to some degree, of laying hands on each other. The degree to “who started it” matters if you need to justify why one person had to hit back.
A lot of people don’t seem to understand that you can be a perpetrator AND a victim. Both of them admit, to some degree, of laying hands on each other. The degree to “who started it” matters if you need to justify why one person had to hit back.
I really loved this movie and I highly recommend it. I had a great time watching it and under all of the absurdity it had things to say about nihilism and kindness and trying to bridge gaps between people you love and face the world.
This is a semantics issue. It can be hard to have good sex in a relationship, too. The point is, hookup or not, women have more difficulties achieving pleasure when they are with men and a women going from hookups to a relationship ( with a Nice Guy Loser Creep) isn’t going to fix that.
I am not disagreeing that hookup culture and the pressure to have sex early in a relationship is bad for women (and men!)
Yeah, OP is an avowed “red-pill” and that they get un-grayed here because they start off by making decent points before going full Incel.
I think men have to care about girls and women as people to even bother to be a good role model. They would have to care about women as people to raise boys who do so in turn. Kanye only cares about himself at the end of the day which is way he’s putting North on blast on social media while claiming to care about her…
I ‘memba!
I think the circle to draw here is that Zucker should not be in charge of an organization where he is called upon to investigate the inappropriate behavior of others while he himself is acting inappropriately.
So the abolition feminists quoted in the article aren’t saying anything about perpetrators being victims. There is a focus on their part on how victims often are punished in place of their victimizers because of their gender, perceived sexuality and gender presentation, income level etc.
I’m trying to keep this in mind; this is the argument being made to abolish the prison state. We do not need more prisoners, we do not need more police (despite what Joe Biden wants).
You’re correct: this place has been gutted.
G/O Media went out of their way to gut the beloved sited of the Aughts. The Root, Splinter, The A.V. Club, Deadspin. Jezebel is certainly next.
I wish I could disagree but...
I am in complete agreement. I am a firm believer in UBI.
That’s essentially what breaks me every time. Oh, we’re so great? Then why, at every turn, do we chant “No, we can’t!”
I think this study confirms what has been understood for a long time: people with more resources are able to raise children with “better” cognitive ability.
“Some women find Adam Driver to be attractive, but he’s no Paul Rudd.”
You/your friends really shouldn’t be hard on yourselves. There is something of a basic formula for being physically attractive but it’s not always a 1 +1 = 2 situation. I, a cis woman, have tried to have this conversation with my cis man friend: there’s lots of guys who can be attractive for different reasons. Adam…
I think we’re both correct/on the same page.
When I first saw this trending on Twitter I was righteously indignant at Caleb’s (alleged!) actions. But I’ve had the afternoon to reflect on this and my conclusions are thus: