

I know their attorney’s are doing what they can but I’m not sure “This person is easily influenced by others to commit crimes” is the defense they think it is.

I live in Florida (unfortunately) and scams are rife here for various Florida reasons.

Cryptocurrency is bad m’kay.

Yeah, if we’re at the stage when “sources” are saying that DeSantis cut him off a while ago then he’s likely not a culprit. It would seem Greenberg then Greenberg and Gaetz were committing their crimes from 2017 to 2020 and it seems unlikely that there weren’t more people in the state of Florida who knew about it and

Coding is hard.

It would be a boring and expected development but, yeah, there’s no big fish here.

You aren’t wrong. In a just world Gaetz would never be able to show his face in public again. Depending on Greenberg’s receipts, depending on how good Gatez’s lawyer is, I’m sure he’s going to have his own show on Fox within the decade.

Greenberg is going to save his own ass, at least. He’s going to have reams of receipts. I just wonder who is going to get taken down that “matters.”

Matt Gaetz is done for. Good.

Not an expert by any means but this feels more like a somewhat accidental racist issue versus purely transphobia (not great either way!)

I don’t disagree! The argument can be made that living in the US prison system for the next 50-60 years is the the right kind of torture.

I’m against the death penalty because the government should not meet murder with murder and only in a few cases you can prove without a reasonable doubt that someone committed a crime with ill intent. I love vengeance as much as the next person, though, so it’s a struggle.

I have no reason to doubt this anecdote because American’s have always hated the less fortunate, took the slightest pause at the start of the pandemic, and now since things are back to “normal” and people feel emboldened to be assholes, are back to loudly and proudly hating the poor.

Also funny to see all the people who supposedly adore the free market forget how free market economics actually works!”

Cancel culture strikes again! I’m tired of you Marxists coming from my beloved sport that is and always has been based on integrity and treating animals better than people! (/s)

I know the point is not to wrap up all of your life decisions in your children or what your children will think of you because there’s misery at the end of that path.

I wanted laser skin resurfacing before the pandemic but it was always a matter of waiting for the right time. I spent the year exercising outside more and now my face is threatening to turn into a giant freckle. I’m contemplating getting lasered  this summer.

I don’t think it’s a mesh-mask or library specific thing. It’s just literally, “I’m not going to be owned by the libs by wearing a mask, so I’m going to own the libs by not wearing a mask or not wearing one properly” thing.

Having more non violent people in jail is bad.