
This isn’t and was never about Harry Potter. This aspect of the joke is barely relevant.

I agree with the content of what you’re saying but maybe not the emphasis.

I’m sorry...what?

Now playing

2003-2015 was a sleazy time in America. Reality TV reached its’ zenith with how outrageous it could be, mean “humor” was cool, and that’s why Perez Hilton had any relevancy. Trashy, sexually charged stuff was in vogue.

Not long after, Neff’s manager called and asked her to address a delicate issue: It seemed 11 Howard didn’t have a credit card on file for Anna Delvey. Because the hotel had been so new when she arrived, and because she was staying for such an unusually long time, and because she was a client of Aby Rosen’s and a

I know some regular people got caught up in her grift and she still owes them money. That’s bad. Crimes are bad.

I am in love with the concept. And you know what? Get your money Michelle!

Brett Kavanaugh: These attacks are a smear against my good name and a plot against be by the Democrats! The Clintons! (insert squealing pig noises)

When it comes to the New York Times, it feels like they’re unable to write most things without the perspective that places outside of NYC exist and that the people who live in that mysterious place called The Rest of the Country are ~wacky~ and “quaint.”

I don’t have anything productive to add. But just a reminder our Transportation Secretary, Pete Buttigieg, is a McKinsey alum and we need to keep an eye on him

I get it.

One of the problems with our two party system is that each party is a “big tent” of various factions with different agendas. So racists like Bill Maher get lumped in with the rest of us and smugly feel entitled to their opinion of the rest of the base.

Gay men can also be misogynists.

I know this article is about how the left is, at times, comically critical of people who are their allies and how the left eat their own regularly. Women in leftist spaces are still subject to misogyny.

The cognitive dissonance of foaming at the mouth and yelling at Cheney because she hurt Daddy Trump and also believing that the insurrection was not instigated by people who were goaded into foaming at the mouth at 81 million people who hurt Trump by not loving him enough.

In so much as there was a “plan” for the insurrections to succeed, I’ve thought from the beginning that the plan hinged on most of the Capitol police yielding and joining forces with the insurrectionists. The Capitol police reported a bunch of the traitors flashing their police/military IDs to try to pass.

I’m sure there are women who behave this way too but it’s a horror show that men are very much under the wrong impression about what ‘consensual’ means.

No worries! It’s hard to put into context your feelings about something without a personal example and it’s hard to get people to really understand how bad these parenting situations are because so many people want to deny the existence of bad parents or they want to make excuses for people because parenting is hard

I’m not sure what you’re implying here but I think that regardless of what they “should” have done, health insurance shouldn’t be some labyrinthine maze that you have to navigate to get coverage, especially when you find yourself medically vulnerable. They shouldn’t be punished by their health insurance companies for

As someone who works in health insurance.