
Thank you.

Haha! You guessed it!

I had a terrible epiphany this year and it makes me feel awful each time I think about it: I don’t want to work.

Thanks! I was doing the math and I was trying to figure out how Baldwin calling his daughter a pig fit into the timeline because Hilaria isn’t her mother.

It’s ridiculous to me that anyone is flying right now but the usual snowbird crap is 10x more annoying.

Follow the CDC guidelines! Ha! What is this, 2019?

On a normal day I understand that funding for things is tied to unrelated funding of other things. I support the arts and the arts/history needs funding during this time too. Same with international aid.

Why does every piece of this asshole puzzle fit together so well? Girl with 90s sitcom villain name, boyfriend participating in superfluous niche sport, rich people, grandma out here making excuses for her grandbaby (emphasis on baby). Amazing.

Most damning is that she doesn’t/can’t provide any examples of him doing something nice for others other than having wine with her. The writer provides examples of him being an immature troll but Smythe thinks he’s charming and misunderstood. I’m sure he did things to lead her on but she also seems to be the type who

There’s so much to unpack in that article.

If there’s anything to laugh about in all of this is the genuine ???! you’ll get off of men when you don’t clean up after them or do more than your share. It might take them weeks to notice but when they do they go through all five stages of grief with you until you cave and go back to doing what you “should” be doing.

It’s truly insulting that they don’t even want to think for themselves but think they’re better than women. It hurts that they don’t even stop to think about how they could be helpful or improve and instead want us to make a numbered list of things they need to do but then resent us for treating them like children or

Another thing that men don’t notice, and is topical, is how much work goes into making holidays nice for the family. They think that women decorating and baking and getting the kids dressed well is all frivolous or at least don’t care enough to tell their wives, “This looks great! Thank you for creating memories for

It’s like some kind of rash that a man needs to tell us that he isn’t like those other men! It’s a “Well, actually” disguised as self-congratulations. It’s like...okay, dude, we weren’t talking about you, move along.

A balance of give and take is important in a relationship.

It is really bad out there.

Good...for you?? You’re an outlier.

The main thing is trying to break the programming from the moment you were born to accommodate other people at the cost of your personal well being. It’s one thing for two people to agree that each person should do around their house “what they’re good at” but it’s another thing for men to take for granted that women

It must be nice to be a man who just gets to tap out whenever they feel like it.

There are plenty of people who do the whole “I hate my spouse HAHA!” schtick and I get your angle with Southern ladies talking talking the way they do.