Were the missiles covered in gold foil leaf?
Were the missiles covered in gold foil leaf?
Oh the privilege to travel and write a book about your 1st world problems :/
Yup. Aspirational to me just means unique, happy, fun, interesting, etc. The CEO and too many other people believe that fat women can’t be those things, and it’s so fucking completely false.
Agreed— the only people I’ve heard offended by the words “plus size” or even just “fat” are people who have have internalized our society’s fatphobia. I have been plus size, fat, etc, etc my entire adult life. I am fat, I am brunette, I am tall, I am beautiful: these are physical descriptors, not value judgements.
Nope, you’re not weird— you’re a good person! This is how everyone should approach their wedding.
The opening sequence of ME2. I’ve seen it several times, but it always gives me goose bumps!
What is this, a budget for ants??
All aboard!
Seriously, so dewy. Everybody needs face powder! :D
I’m undecided at this point; usually play female, but tempted to start w/the male default this time. Whichever gender can romance Vetra the lady turian will be the deciding factor :)
Good god, I couldn’t even get through the 1 min. and 13 sec. video up top. All the cringes. We’re so fucked.
And a whole lotta bullshit...
I think you mean “Keep this country in your prayers.” I’m an atheist, but I’d become a believer tomorrow if that orange clown got the smiting he so desperately deserves.
But she lacks the depth and warmth...
Man are they ever setting the bar low over there.
I’m sure they will— this is just an initial “hey, prepare yourselves” alert.
Cognitive dissonance is a powerful thing.
Aaaand, what’s behind dumpster lid #1? It’s President Bannon!
You’re going to have to be more specific. Lots of nazi trash to choose from...