Ex Luthor

I foot swear it's real.

"Nice coat."

Best Home Exercise Videos ever.

Is that a test tube in your pants? er....

The randomnness and capriciousness of nature.... is kinda depressing.

Begun, this Cheeto War has.

This thread could easily turn to Pooh.

I liked Dale. Maybe he was not quite as good as in the comics, but he was a worthwhile voice of reason. It's a bit sad the show didn't explore the romantic relationship with Andrea, although perhaps that might not translate well on screen.

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Not to mention all the diamonds they'll have to steal for you...

There are some who call me... Tim... Drake.

He is the one who knocks... the trees down.

Tim Curry > Robin Williams

And now... we'll have to deal with Hexxus, too. Great.

For today's sedentary reader, I recommend: "Oh, the Places You'll Google"

Perhaps the idea is that TED slowly sells out? ....Cheap!

Those darn Katz have infiltrated The Daily Show and reversed the Earth's rotation!

Greatest part of that clip is Doctor Polaris' face at the end.

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All too true. Not to mention the shared hygiene problems.

Superman, America, and Lois Lane's ladyhood would not stand a chance. And the Lex Luthor power suit is so similar to Iron Man.... all he needs is a new paint job!

"Don't be too proud of this budgetary terror you've constructed. The ability to spend at deficit is insignificant next to the potential return on investment of the Force."