That’s because before his podcast started, we knew he was a piece of shit. His views haven’t changed over the years. Are you saying he doesn’t constantly say racist, misogynist, and false things?
That’s because before his podcast started, we knew he was a piece of shit. His views haven’t changed over the years. Are you saying he doesn’t constantly say racist, misogynist, and false things?
Every piece of shit Joe Rogan fan trots that shit out every fucking time. Just say you're racist trash, dude. Own it
If I were Joe Rogan I simply would not have amassed a decade-plus worth of sound bites that make me sound like a terrible human being
I honestly don’t care why they’re doing it. It just needs to happen. They keep bringing up Joe Biden’s use of the slur, but Biden isn’t recruiting for neo-nazi hate groups like Rogan.
If he’s the neocon I think he is, then his economic plan is the same as every other radical, right-wing Republicans:
That’s a lot of money that’s not going to the people that made it possible for Bezos to have the boat in the first place.
Spare us, dude. Bleeding hearts for the suffering mega-yacht industry?
I’ll trust people with phd’s over facebook everyday of the week.
Amazing how many people have upvoted this comment. Over 2 years on, over 1 with vaccines and still too many people don’t know how vaccines actually work. For the OP and the so far 11 people who upvoted this...
So your immune system contains several layers: initial and temporary antibodies and then and more…
Considering that if you get covid while vaccinated you get a mild cough and aren’t snotting and sneezing all over it’s pretty easy to say that it reduces transmission. Heck, my wife and my 5 year old son got it, super mild and my daughter and I never got it from them despite living in the same house. That’s Omicron,…
And seat belts have done dick-all to prevent car accidents!
Please consider getting better information. Just in my immediate circle, the combination of vaccine and booster have probably saved about 20 people I know from falling severely ill or death.—zCFuQW8sKhAmSY0o0rzoa4jjY95Aas
200,000 lives saved by vaccine efforts in the 1st half of 2021. Despite reduced prevention of omicron spread, expect similarly large reduction in excess deaths vs non-vaccination due…
So you’re saying you ignore all stoplights and stop signs then? Because not all stoplights and stop signs are 100% effective 100% of the time at stopping wrecks, I’m therefore assuming you believe its your right to ignore them completely as being useless.
Youre very dumb.
Everyone that asked. My sister in law got a “religious exemption” for her workplace. She hasn’t been to any church in the 5 years I’ve known her.
If people had actually gotten vaccinated when the shot was made available, the variants may never have happened at all.
Well there’s the rub, yeah? What percentage got these exemptions?
Other than keep countless people out of the hospital / 6 feet under the ground.