Master Rod

Ask away. Just mind your manners. Acting like an as whole gets you banned. Do you act that way with people?

You are 180 degrees out of phase. Trump answers to the American People, not meely mouthed 3rd rate reporters. He should cancel the White House Press.

It is wrongly titled. It should read "White House stops reporters from asking ridiculous questions.

Not a F 'kn problem. He is our President. 

Not a F 'kn problem. He is our President. 

Splinter, what a libtard rag....

Wow! All these people with Trump Derangement Syndrome. You will all be put to sleep eventually.

Blah, blah, blah. Elon knows what he is doing. Jalopnik don’t know she it! Go Elon!

The writer must be a Democrat. Doesn’t know how to drive a Chrysler.

She must be a Democrat. That must not her vehicle.

The Jeep wave does exist. It is limited to Wranglers. All others need not apply. Especially something looking like a Mexican Pinata...

Yeah, right. How’s Deblasio working out for you...

Well if you got out of Mom’s basement, got a job, you to might be able to get plate tickets...

Wow! So many Maxine lovers in one place... Impeach......the witch that is...

But, but, did his routine work on Maxine?! She is dense, like lead....

Rio Bravo is a very bad area bordering South Laredo. That the LEOs got out of there in one piece is good news. They probably could have arrested half of the population if they had the manpower.

Throw rocks at a cop, and you will be shot. Surprised you and your flunkies didn’t know that.

Hmm, another upset person of no color. Just remember Angela, that it was your people who sold you into slavery. We were just the consumers. Kinda like blaming the addict, and not the dealer. Leave our South, and go back to your liberal enclave up North. As a token of the South’s appreciation, there’s a nice rope

Excellent choice! I have owned 3 VW. Solid, reliable, and a blast to drive.

That pretty much is it in a nutshell.