Master Rod

Woke savior? Is the libtard speech? Out of touch? Hmm, let’s see, owns a car company, space company, a Boring company, solar panel company, battery company, solar panel installation company, line of super chargers, etc. The only person out of touch is you.

Whoa! You Sir are 180° out of phase. Believe your own lies, eh...

I don’t want just any mouthy jer koff running for office. Let’s vett those with true American Christian Principals. NO MORE HATERS! NO MORE ILLEGALS!

He did give answers. He said he supports Trump’s policies. To hear her talk, sounded like a speech impediment waiting to happen. Those questions were scripted by someone else. Her intellectual accumem is not there. Where is ICE when you need’em?

Buahahahahahaaa! Lovely! NOT!

Thanks ole boy! Man, these snowflakes are something else. Trying to give away everything Americans worked so hard for in the past.

Border security IS more important than your family. Border security is for making EVERY family safe. Now get out of my country....

Dreamers can go dream in their own stinking country than to be On the Dem plantation of goodies for votes. This is MY Country! As a vet, I will be totally brutal in enforcing the Constitution, and rule of law. And of course, open season/ no bag limit on BLM, ANTIFA, libtard elected officials, and anything Godless. We