West of East

I agree, the word “cunt” was not required, other words would have worked just as well. I say that because 1) the word is somewhat misogynistic, especially when directed at a woman (even if used by a woman), and 2) vaginas are great, why are we still using a slang term for them as an insult?

I think you are a man who honestly respects women. And maybe many other men are outraged, but that’s not what I see portrayed in society.

I agree, and I’ve been thinking this all day. I LOVE Samantha Bee, and watch her show every week. I, too, hate the Trump administration and everyone involved in it. But not calling Samantha out on saying “cunt” is a dangerous precedent. Its the same reaction I have when I hear people making fun of Chris Christie’s

Here is the thing. There is massive hypocrisy all over the place. I don’t agree with calling her the c-word either. But people aren’t upset because they respect women so much. This is about just trying to gain points politically. On both sides of politics, women have become political pawns for men to score points by

Liberal female here. I don’t necessarily have a problem with the word. It’s being used more often and I’ve become somewhat desensitized to it. That being said, I wouldn’t call Ivanka Trump a cunt. I’d call her a total sellout when it comes to women’s rights. She’s definitely Trump’s daughter with all the negative

I feel like it’s pretty much the worst thing you can say about or to a woman.

I don’t think Bee should have called Ivanka that, I think it’s a gross word and there’s enough stuff to call Ivanka that’s mean and fair. BUT, BUT, the race to false equivocate is insane. One is racist and repugnant, one is crass.

It was vulgar but called for as far as I am concerned. I would feel differently (I think) if it were a man saying it to her.

Thank you. I get where everyone else is coming from, I really do. Still, I can’t find any joy over seeing a woman get called a cunt (whether the fact that she’s a horrible person is demonstrably true or not).

But he has to learn to deal with negative press and not just bask in the positive press. His argument that he doesn’t pay for good press is disingenuous when you think about how hard he tries to be the subject of free press. He complains that they don’t love him because he doesn’t pay them, but I didn’t see him

Seems like the Model 3 isn’t the only thing that doesn’t stop as fast as it should.

Dear Elon,

I recently became available to join your company. To whom should I forward my resume?

Roseanne Barr

As for Jalopnik’s own ownership, our motivations are clear:

Yeah. I’m really hoping that someone starts a good competitor for small productions, particularly one that offers a “choose your own payment” system (where the creator can put ads on it, have a Patreon hook, do a sponsorship, etc. whatever fits them best).

I guess it’s “whatever” for me since I get to stick with the Red pricing, but I wish Youtube would make a simple, cheaper ad-free tier. I don’t care about music streaming, original content, or any of the other features; I just want to watch The Daily Show clips and Markiplier without any ads (across all devices, and

I don’t think any President has been a pathological liar. Regular liar, sure. But about completely unimportant, easily provable things? Constantly and with no acknowledgement of error let alone regret?

These rides make me vomit. I see no reason to go on them for artificial fear. I’m a firefighter. I tell people I’m too cowardly to go on these rides, and I usually get a pass (see also: firefighter). I further tell them that if the coaster gets stuck up-side-down at the top of the loop, I’m willing to climb up, rope

I have that high pitched whine, and I didn’t abuse my ears with loud music. Deafness runs in my family.

Yep. For me, it was a misspent youth riding motorcycles, shooting firearms, and working in white noisy mainframe computer rooms, all without hearing protection. The good news is I have no reason now to pay for high end stereo equipment.

At this time, I would equate giving some bitcoin dealers your credit card information to doing the same with street drug dealers and pimps.