West of East

I’m not even interested in the Beyond Burger. If I want meat, I’ll eat it. If I want veggies, same thing.

Hey Claire - speaking of lemongrass, any ideas where I could find lemongrass oil? I used to have some, ran out and can’t seem to locate it anywhere - the store I used to buy it from is no longer in business.

“Sorry this product is not available to you. Try these online retailers.

Damn it!  Why can’t I find these flavors near me!  

LOVED them but can’t seem to find them anymore in my area.  I can find the other flavors but not that - I thought they stopped making them!

I guess I’m ghetto but I’ve been eating Morningstar Farms Black Bean burgers for years and love ‘em. I don’t need something that’s simulating a meat burger; if I want meat I’ll eat it. When I eat veggie burgers it’s BECAUSE they’re veggie burgers.

Try 1:00 in the microwave then toast it on medium.  You’ll never go back.

How is Bacon Jam NOT on this list?!??!

Reddit Enhancement Suite.  Just install it and thank me later.

I would actually pay good money to blaze up with Nick.  I think it would be hysterical.

Try The Amazing World of Gumball sometime when you’re high. It’s awesome in any state of mind but even funnier when blazed.

Thanks, Nick for another good plug in find.

Rep. DeSantis, ‘this girl’ just owned you.  NOW I bet you know who she is.


Saw the headline in my RSS feed and immediately thought, “Must be Nick.”

Em, any chance this would come to the Android platform at some point?

Trump didn’t pick anybody. That decision was made for him by those who share/guide his agenda.

Nick isn’t a heathen.  He’s a hedonist.  There’s a difference.

Let’s just say there’s more than one reason why they were almost completely wiped out by the plastic ones.

I was staying near the falls (actually *right* near the falls with a window that looked out on it) for a week on a business trip and someone at the hotel recommended it to me on the second day - said they delivered to the hotel. I had it at least three more times after that!