West of East

Believe it or not though, he’s on top of the world.

A lifehacker article not completely ruined by some video you didn’t care about, intruding into your field of vision whilst you’re trying to read?

Really?? THAT made the list of the best advice of 2017?? Must have been a slow year.

Just a guess, but I would imagine that the majority of what you eat when you go out is ‘altered’ by the nice wait staff based on the attitude you just displayed.

An original story would be a start - as opposed to the plethora of rebooted remakes of movies that weren’t great to begin with or a movie based on anything but an actual script (a game, a toy, an old TV series, etc).

I trust Claire on the water. It’s this line that worries me:

You’re about 3 years late. I eliminated FB entirely and I don’t miss a thing. The only time I go to FB is for a particular 3D printer group that has files that don’t exist anywhere else. Otherwise, FB is dead to me.

Either that or they are buying a Lürpslærgen and need help assembling. Either way, it’s probably not something you want to be a part of.

+1 Shep’s Mom monthly buys!!! Make it so!

+1 Shep’s Mom monthly buys!!! Make it so!

Though not touched by it personally, that was my point in sort of an absurdist way. But I regret making light of it after reading it again. Humor is a defense mechanism.

What if drinking heavily already is a family tradition?

I used to like that song (I dug the call and response angle of the arrangement) but this made me go look at the actual lyrics and in the light of recent times this is creepy AF!

Kinda shocked that no one even mentioned Springsteen’s take on ‘Santa Claus is Coming to Town’!

The majority of cops do things like this, but it only gets covered during the holidays and on slow news cycles.

Except you can no longer batch installs, which is a step back IMHO.

You need to find the time. You’re going to miss a great piece of journalism for the few minutes that you want to spend on something that will likely end up being less worth it.

“Performance Artist”?

Why you definitely need to follow Thorin

Not mentioned: Forwarding this article to your colleagues.

7 Outrageous responses to blogger comments!!