Wait, What?

“Stealer Steals Steeler Steed”?

More like Pittsburgh Stealers, amirite?

That’s not a typo. Clearly, Bill meant for the full subject line to read: Bill Get Is Scientific.”

I’ve seen this clip a million times and somehow only now am noticing the misplaced apostrophe in “get’s.”

Can you repeat that like 10 or 12 more times please?

Philly fans are passionate man, they’ve gotta hammer somebody.

This is a trash take. Making that pass is really hard. There are people who are starting NFL quarterbacks, at the height of their careers, who can not make that throw in a game.

Cleveland fan here: if you’re in the Austin, TX area, please come by and punch me in the face.

if you’ll allow me to get way ahead of myself for a moment—will be included in retrospective highlight reels after Wentz retires an Eagles legend.

fine, but if I have to hear about “North Dakota tough” one more time...

I saw him dive forward several times last night on runs and thought the same. He needs to knock that off ASAP or he’s going to get injured. No one wants to see that. Slide and live to play another play.

“Someone else” would have just ruined the story anyway.

“... Eagles legend.”

Packers fan here.......came here to see if anyone is comparing him to Rodgers (justifiable because he looks awesome). Philadelphians need to make sure this guy doesn’t give up dairy though.

I assume someone else was supposed to write this story about Wentz, but traded down.

Champers? Savvie bee?! What the hell are you Australians doing down there?!

““savvie bee”.”

can we get some input from a team which hasnt lost twice as many games as its won this year?