Wait, What?

Minnesota is a blue state. Just want to point that out guys. In case you’re looking to sign a quarterback

Evidence #4799301 that demonstrates basic upgrade to an offensive line can do wonders for an offense.

Fuck this guy. Brian McCann, Dustin Pedroia, and Brett Gardner didn’t fight their entire careers so this asshole could smile after hitting a dinger. These warriors take the game seriously, as should this career minor leaguer.

Angela Bassett was killer good in the episode. They should give awards for that quality of acting.

“5,694, Ha!”

That’s childish and below the belt.

To be fair to Francesa, this is the worst thing any coach has ever done at Penn State.

Nice try. That’s just what everyone would want me to think.

Did Eli quit on that play? Asking for a friend. In Dallas.

Oh, I get it. Because Dray should be top-nine, right?

You seriously need to think about swapping #32 and #33 on your list.

Someone should probably go check on AB...

Pictured: Burneko writing this article.

I tried, but the words and numbers started coming together and I felt like Neo looking at the Matrix for the first time.

*scrolls down*

But that’s the rankings’ rankings, dude.

Somewhere, Xzibit is having a seizure.

Has anyone ever won a Pulitzer for sports blogging before?

Did this give you a headache putting this together, because it gave me a headache reading it.

I don’t see what the big deal is — Timmons was just one of millions of people in SoCal yesterday who managed to avoid going to the Dolphins-Chargers game.