
but the lawsuit states that FaZe takes 80% of his sponsorships but FaZe comes back with “we don’t take any of tfues tourny/streaming revenue” um...the lawsuit said sponsorships.

I’m in the WoW Classic beta currently and at first it was just a pure nostalgia trip. Seeing the old Orgrimmar and stormwind, the music, the map, etc.

I’m going to go with it’s fair to spoil. Why? because there’s been a lot of FFVII in other mediums/games and if “she” is in any of those things they emphasis it. Example: Advent Children, Crisis Core, Kingdom Hearts, etc.

You’d think in the year 2019 people would still be able to tell the difference between an ape and a monkey.  Change the title.  I’d be like calling a Turkey a Chicken.

They can rebuild Vision. You don’t need Tony to help with that anymore. Remember Black Panthers sister pretty much got a hefty inside look as to how Vision works when she tried to remove the infinity stone from his head. So I imagine that with the aid of The Hulk she can rebuild him.  Also it wouldn’t surprise me at

welp my sunday is officially ruined by knowing this comic exists.

I’ve been playing EVE off and on since launch and you’re right. If you can dedicate the time to learn the vast mechanics of the game and figure out a decent way to make money then it’s a very rewarding experience. They key is it takes time. Skilling up takes time (no xp in this game), making a solid income takes time,

I bet you’re an absolute blast at parities.  “who wants another slice of cake?” you: “you know there are children starving in the world that would like that cake”

I guess forfeits don’t exist in the smash community? I’m sorry but if you can’t handle the heckling then maybe you shouldn’t be a pro player.  Would Lebron James walk off the court and leave the game if some fan was yelling at him on how to make a jump shot? would they pause the game for an hour to get him back in?

ITT: A whole lot of salty individuals that didn’t make it big on Twitch.

the game is done. I played WoW since day one release and once I hit max level with a couple characters in the recent expansion I said “I think I’m done, this game simply isn’t fun anymore” and it’s not. The dungeons are horrible and poorly laid out, the first raid was a damn chore to get through, and the content

give us the old flight sims (X-Wing vs Tie Fighter, Wing Commander, etc) and mech sims (Heavy Gear 1, Mechwarrior 2) from the 90s and I’ll be incredibly happy.

I used to work in the porn industry. This is common knowledge and most performers I knew/when I worked on sets used either a douche or turkey baster. It’s either that or pee. I can speak from first hand experience and we would mix a clear/semi sugary looking liquid and use a turkey baster.

it’s already been revealed through the Clone Wars show and Rebels (both of which are canon).  Maul survived the fight with Obi-Wan.  He was fueled by his pure hatred for Obi-Wan (Remember with the Dark Side Hatred fuels the sith thus overcoming pain and wounds.) built cyborg legs for himself (Similar to Anakin/Vader)

But Backpack kid participated in a Celebrity Fortnite tournament over the summer that was put on by Epic...So evidently he was ok with the dance being in the game at the time but now...not so much? 

what’s wrong with him? he has early dementia...I thought this was common knowledge.  The videos pretty much prove it.

Well I mean you gotta feel for Shinji.  His Dad makes him Pilot his Mom.  Come on now that’s going to fuck with anyones head.

what happened to that poor raccoons legs in Life in Aggro? 

reminds me of Venture Bros, Scud the Disposable Assassin and Bioshock.  

also won’t be able to read your memory card for other konomi games.