
Someone please tell me why I love this show so much.

I’m HOH, so much that living in the hearing world is so difficult sometimes that I don’t want to get out of bed. I was mainstreamed to read lips only. No sign. Thanks parents and teachers! I was raised to please your hearing world. I am sitting here with tears streaming down my eyes right now reading some of the

We have Trump because America has a bunch of racist assholes who are willing to screw themselves over economically just to fuck over people of color? Yeah, that sounds right.

Those mean liberals won’t allow him to work in Hollywood. Oh wait - he’s got a low rated weekly shitcom that ABC inexplicably keeps on their schedule. So what, now, was he bitching about?

To Whom It May Concern:

What crimes do liberals commit against their political opponents that are so fear-inducing and unreasonable?

To irrelevancy, and beyond!

did you see who we made president or

Just got out of rehab on Saturday, so 1/29/17 for me. Already been to a meeting today. Feeling good, I’m pretty sure.

Thanks for the support guys, ya’ll are awesome! I’m still trying to figure out how to start the process, but every day I feel more and more motivated to make a change for the better

3/7/2017, 5am’ish.

FYI, this is what it looks like now:

who sophie? she cute?

My father was/is not an abusive man in the technical sense of the word, but he’s an alcoholic who’s shown very little interest in his children’s lives for most of it and Ihave very little to do with him unless one of my other siblings initiate it.

Clearly, the woman is a hero/saint and doing the lord’s work. We commit his body. Amen

I don’t know if I’m just dense/not cool enough to “get it”, but can someone explain to me why this meme/girl is funny? Like I know at thirty I’m not that old, but some of these viral phenomena (like this, Damn Daniel, etc)....I just don’t understand? Am I missing something?

Karlie, there’s no need to pose. Please stick to the videos and songs that you’re used to.

You only have 3 moves left to get to Kevin Bacon. We’re counting on you.

Hell, if I have to sacrifice a goat every year to keep her in good health, I’m wlling.