Google's gaze pierces cloud, shadow, earth & flesh

How’s that kool aid taste?

You can’t even escape it if you’re trying. I come to Kotaku to read and talk about actual video games. But like a car crash or a dead body, I see this Twitch/YouTube/”influencer” “celebrity” crap and I gawk at it even as I hate myself for doing so.

As funny as this meme is, most of the time presenters are dusted with powder makeup to remove natural skin oil shine. If they recorded at home, which is likely, they probably didn’t have the necessary makeup artist on-site to prep them for the recording, so they end up looking shiny.  We all look shiny, we just have

That’s a pretty normal reaction to pervasive, dehumanizing violence in the real world. Shock gives way to numbness as you try to cope, which eventually mutates into anger as you realize the pointless, destructive nature of it all. You’re mad all the time, you just want it to be over, but you can’t quit, not until the

If all lives mattered, Native and Indigenous peoples wouldn’t be segregated to reservations and live in poverty.
If all lives mattered, Blacks wouldn’t have longer prison sentences than Whites. If all lives mattered, trans-peoples would not be murdered each year.
If all lives mattered immigrants wouldn’t die in cages

well, he did like the idea of me going homeless, so he’s definitely an asshole.

That sounds right.

I like to imagine they incinerate the room and reprint it after each usage.

I think it is too, but I think some of that is also where the “simulation” aspect breaks down. Once, say, Iceland closes its ports and airlines and so on, it’s *IMPOSSIBLE* to infect anyone there, or if your infectivity (it’s been a few years) is too low or your mortality is too high, they can “naturally” get rid of

Um.... Google is like 90% millennial or younger. They have actually had multiple age discrimination lawsuits essentially about that. This ad is just about trying too hard and failing harder.

Lol hey guys, I wonder how much druuuuuuuuuuuuugs they did when they made this ad amirite? So random brah! Mountain dew and Doritos!

So their plan is just like like their ad, stupid and not really thought out.

If you want to get real fun... use a password manager to create a randomly generated password. But instead of using it as the password, create a new email address with it and use that.

Yes, even kids that seem low on the trauma scale can be hard or impossible to handle.  We did a trial adoption for a 16 year old, hardly any trauma in her background but we simply couldn’t handle all her issues and she finally requested to go back into state custody.  She just couldn’t accept the love that we were

L/R4/5 buttons for your ring/pinky fingers. Also, a pulse-measuring cockring.

What a little weakling. Makes a big production of interacting with one woman on Twitch and leaves the one who criticized him out to soak up the slime that his fan base excretes.

I use search engines prolifically and I still can’t answer the questions of who or what “Fortnite” and or “Ninja” is.

Well... I read the entire article and still am not sure if I understand what “shipping” means. So you are already better off than me. 

To be fair , the only Mirage I know turns into a blue and white racing car.

> I mainly use Facebook on my PlayStation to send screenshots to myself for work.