Google's gaze pierces cloud, shadow, earth & flesh

Finally, a video that belongs on Deadspin.

They’ll probably just retarget Male-Animation to all male characters, and Female-Animations to all female characters. Add some overrides for old-man-walk-animation and such, and you’re pretty much fine. Oh, and get a dozen or so different voice actors to repeat the exact/near-exact same voice lines, and randomly mess

I mean, nobody is going to use this that doesn’t consider themselves an influencer (it can’t be a coincidence that the term is only a couple letters removed from influenza), who should bounce themselves handily into oncoming traffic, thus ridding the world of one of the worse elements of the internet.

My second thought (the first being “dear god why?”) was: “which dinosaur....?”

this is the first time the phrase hanging chad has crossed my mind in almost 20 years...

Shit, this looks absurd and yet I kinda want it. I’m way into novelty in gaming these days and I’m a big fan of the thought that goes into the tactile aspects of games (controller design especially) so this kinda feels like it’s aimed at exactly me.

There’s no reason for them to give us a finished product when they can charge full price for each “episode.” It sucks, but it’s the truth :(

I mean, look, if we ignore FFVII as an existing work and just think about this new game as a new story they’re working on, I’m not inherently against the idea of an episodic game set in a big fantasy world.

Great article.

Guys don’t get it because if it was a woman sending those texts, they would be excited and happy about it. They would like it. And they don’t understand why women don’t like it/get it.

I prefer the term “vaporwarewolf”.

Seems like “He’s also worked on concepts like Star Citizen.” would be more accurate.

Calling Star Citizen a game is a little generous at this point, right?


Don’t get me wrong, he’s great and had some awesome moments in Endgame. He absolutely should go get that money. All I’m saying is if you rewind to 2013 and tell me “Paul Rudd is going to lead two MCU films,” I’d have told you first, what? And second, why did you go six years back in time only to tell me this and not

> It’s too bad that this poignant scene happens in the midst of a collection of tired stereotypes of gamers

Search your feelings! You know it to be true.