Because my PC is in my office, and I’d like to play PC games in my living room.
Because my PC is in my office, and I’d like to play PC games in my living room.
I’m happy to hear I helped! Thanks for reading!!
ManI wish the RTS genre wasn’t such a dead duck. Easily one of my favourite franchises period, and it’s a shame nobody makes these games anymore
I almost feel like I need to just link the comment I made on the “holy grail of trash” article, but...look. You guys are kind of missing the point of the whole debate. It’s not that we feel bad because you’re calling something we like low-brow and you have to reassure us that you mean it in a good way, it’s that we…
and why we want y’all to quit calling things guilty pleasures. Seriously, it’s fine to like a thing that the critics don’t.
I think once I hit my mid-30s, I stopped calling things I liked guilty pleasures. I have tastes that my family would call esoteric and snobby. I watch weird horror films and try to see every movie nominated for best picture (foreign and other) before the Oscars like an idiot. I constantly talk about how Yorgos…
“Please don’t censor any games nor appeal to the SocJus crowd, you guys are doing fine as is,”...seriously? They replied to that in the positive? Welp this SocJus dyke transgirl who’s been gaming since the early 80's will be voting with her pink-euro and buying from anyone else. Gah, gonna go kill some Grineer to…
For fuck’s sakes.
And now I really want an IKEA level in Hitman...
Hey, that’s because our sister site io9 was doing an excellent (and now published) report of their own.
I mean, yeah, there are always other games being made, but it seems these games steal all the attention for long periods and then the stuff I do want to play falls between the cracks sometimes.
I want a deeply compelling stories about the folly of violence and youth, set in a militaristic version of Japan featuring over the top violence mixed with touching moments.
Exactly! There’s was too much weird old-timeyness in the Wizarding World, to the point where they almost feel like plussed up Amish folk.
This is my exact experience in these type of games. I see all sorts of amazing kills in YT videos, and I think “That’s fucking amazing, I gotta do that!” And then it NEVER turns out that way...
I mean, I don’t want to lose the forest for the trees here...but it sounds like even before the incident this was the most boring “party” on earth. Not a voice was heard, no hubub in the background. Was everyone just sitting quietly on cement blocks watching the target to see if the prophecy was fulfilled…
The best tip I can give is to stop this crowdfunding craze all together. If you want to help, there’s institutions that do it better than Debrah and Johny ever could.
psh whatever. I’m always incredibly nice to women, like crazy super nice. I have a collection of fashionable fedoras and I groom the hair on my neck on a weekly basis and yet I still can’t find a woman that would want to associate with me. Therefore, as a result, I’ve come to the conclusion that all women are morons.…
possibly they’d like one of my line of