Google's gaze pierces cloud, shadow, earth & flesh

WISH kinja had a HAHAHAHAHA button for that last line!

That’s funny. I just received one today from myself (it ended up in my spam filter). Apparently I have been very naughty and these dudes know about it and recorded the screen while also turning on all of the cameras on my device. I’d be a little more worried if I hadn’t also received the same threat about a month ago.

Amazon has also been amping up their research into job automation. The kinds of things they’re looking to do will automate not just warehouse level positions, but low-to-mid tier sales and management positions in their organization, up to and including software development and compute services monitoring. Even if

I hope everyone who pointed out Amazon was definitely bringing in those jobs to NYC and it clearly wasn’t some Foxconn type scam is paying attention.

“Please don’t censor any games nor appeal to the SocJus crowd, you guys are doing fine as is,”...seriously? They replied to that in the positive? Welp this SocJus dyke transgirl who’s been gaming since the early 80's will be voting with her pink-euro and buying from anyone else. Gah, gonna go kill some Grineer to

For fuck’s sakes.

And now I really want an IKEA level in Hitman...

Hey, that’s because our sister site io9 was doing an excellent (and now published) report of their own.

I mean, yeah, there are always other games being made, but it seems these games steal all the attention for long periods and then the stuff I do want to play falls between the cracks sometimes.

I want a deeply compelling stories about the folly of violence and youth, set in a militaristic version of Japan featuring over the top violence mixed with touching moments.

I think, the more pressing issue here is why do Trump and Bezos look like a “before and after” picture of Lex Luthor.


If the committee had any balls they’d charge him with contempt of Congress.

That’s what plenty of people seem to think...

I don’t think you understand what “mansplaining” is. 

Exactly! There’s was too much weird old-timeyness in the Wizarding World, to the point where they almost feel like plussed up Amish folk.

The weakest kids I know all have “Lysol parents” who boil, sterilize and clean the holy living hell out of everything their kids touch. Those kids almost all seem to have suppressed immune systems and are the ones who are booking the most time off at school from being sick. My kid sits in the back yard sucking soil

psh whatever. I’m always incredibly nice to women, like crazy super nice. I have a collection of fashionable fedoras and I groom the hair on my neck on a weekly basis and yet I still can’t find a woman that would want to associate with me. Therefore, as a result, I’ve come to the conclusion that all women are morons.

possibly they’d like one of my line of