Royel Edwards

I found it to be a little boring and that the show wasn't paced properly, personally.

That sweater... is GLORIOUS. Fuck.

I should really try this. Especially when travelling for E3 or PAX.

Where the hell is that orange one? :/

I lost when the music started playing. OH MY GOD. It's so cute... like, I... I don't even know. Amazing!

It's a really fun game to play. They totally out did themselves!

Look at those powerful thighs.

Oh god. I love crossovers SO much.

You can also get Grand Theft Auto V with $20 off through, if you're on "The List."

This game is so great!

Haters gonna... uhh... hate?

One does not simply wake up a Snorlax. But OH MY GOD IT'S SO FUCKING CUTE.

My breathing slows down a lot when I'm sleeping so when I fall asleep around others, people think I'm not alive. Oh, and I like to hug things in my sleep.

The guy in the video isn't enthusiastic at all.

I didn't even think about that. I'll have to try it.

Anyone else get chills after watching the trailer or while playing the game?

Is it just me or can Dante do a Shoryuken?

I loved Spirited Away. Still one of my top animated movies.

I wish all commercials had whispering at the end. Too funny!

Haters gonna hate.