
Good Lord. Gentlemen, get one of these and use it.

With Romanowski I can’t tell where the asshole personality ends and the CTE begins.

Walker goes on to say that he made Phil Jackson stop the bus, at which point he invited Kobe to step outside with him.

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I’m from St.louis, an i swear that the Ram’s fans are the epitome of why this city such shit. Jon Oliver did a good piece awhile back on this. Plus, wasting public money on this - the rams make good few billion dollar every fucking year, and they can’t pay for it? they keep all the fucking revenue from concessions,

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A worthy sequel to that trio getting in a Lyft car.

Humans are complex beasts. We can be impressed with one action or aspect of their character while being disappointed with a different one.

I hope Tom senses that this is his last season as the coach there and goes old man truth spouting crazy on his way out. I mean, his truth isn’t crazy, it’s on point, but NO ONE says that shit, so I hope we see more of it.

“I’m trying to win the game so I don’t get fired” is all we really needed.