Royal Bigness

Domino’s pizza is so bad it SHOULD be free!

Then the internet goes out and you’re dead in the water

It’s almost as annoying as a webpage with a scrolling window with a video in it that you don’t want to see!

Maybe some people just don’t like to pay $200 (or whatever) for something that can be bought for $20. And I don’t care what anybody says, the sound difference is negligible. Kind of like the difference between a UHD and HD cell phone screen. They are so small nobody can tell the difference!

Don’t all of those people know that all those shows aired for free on AMC?

you might just want to take a look at all the antisemites in those protests and you’ll find they’re all far LEFT not right.  You’ve been so brainwashed that you can’t see the truth when it’s right in front of your face!

Must be getting close the election season again!

You think we don’t use coal in the north?  Okaaaaaaaaaaaay

If you’re stupid enough to think that cows are changing the climate, there’s really no hope for you.

Palestinian genocide” Ashley, you’re disgusting. The pretend “palestinians” (since there is no such thing) would have been fine if they didn’t slaughter innocent men, women, and children. All of you people are sick - you’ve spent years and years calling people on the right “Nazis” when you’re literally being Nazis

Biden has no idea what day it is, let alone knows what AI is!

I’m sure it has absolutely nothing to do with all of the immigrants!  Nah, that couldn’t be it

Its funny reading the comments you junior (and clueless) communists make on every post that somehow ties unrelated topics back to “capitalists”. As if without capitalists, we wouldn’t all still be riding horses and reading by candlelight!

Here’s what you REALLY need to know - all of these databases being called “AI” aren’t actually “AI”.

The notion that people will spend $100,000 for an EV is simply ridiculous!

First of all, “free” healthcare is only free due to massive taxes paid by the working people. Second, if you need to call your doctor because you have a cold, cough, or flu, you’ve failed as an adult! Maybe your mommy should bring you some soup!

They are still mixed. The article clearly states that they will use a reusable stirring device that’s cleaned after each use

Meanwhile they’ve gotten rid of the biodegradable paper cups and gone with all plastic.

I would suggest it’s not the shape, but thicker and higher quality steel.  They didn’t use thin sheet metal on vehicle hoods back in the 50's

Expect your cost for internet access and all of the streamers to go through the roof.  That’s all that government regulation does - make things more expensive for us!  More taxes, more fees, more money out of my pocket!